
City wants open books

The Huntington Beach City Council unanimously agreed to consider

changing its rules on financial disclosure Monday, reversing a

seven-year policy that required members of most of the city’s

volunteer boards to disclose business interests in the city.

Many of Huntington Beach’s commission members said they support

the change, calling the disclosure requirements onerous, while

critics of the proposal say the current rules keep board members from

making decisions and recommendations that might be a conflict of


City Councilman Don Hansen introduced the initiative after one of

his appointments to the finance board withdrew his application. The

appointment did so when he learned he had to fill out a form that

required disclosure of all income, property, investments and

financial interests in the municipality being served -- in this case,

the city of Huntington Beach.

Elected officials including city council members, the city clerk,

city attorney and city treasurer should continue to fill out the

disclosure form, Hansen said, but citizens who serve in an advisory

role are burdened by the thorough disclosure. State law doesn’t

require advisory board members to disclose their assets.

In the case of Hansen’s potential appointment to the finance

committee, the disclosure meant the release of confidential business

information that could have provided an advantage to competitors.

“He told me ‘I’m not ready for that level of scrutiny,’ ” Hansen

said, adding that many business people don’t want to release

information about their assets or holdings. There are also concerns

about protecting the confidentiality of business clients.

Huntington Beach has a number of citizen boards and commissions

that advise the council on decisions on everything from investment to

public works projects, its members often selected by council members.

“These individuals are not making decisions for the city,” Hansen

said. “All they’re doing is inquiring and advising.”

Planning Commissioner Bob Dingwall said he supported the change.

“I think it seems like the logical thing to do,” he said, adding

that each year he has to list an apartment he rents.

“I just listed its address and value in a given range of values,”

he said.

Other commissioners disagreed. Public Works Commissioner Richard

Hart said the forms kept commissioners honest.

“People who make decisions should disclose where there could be

potential problems,” he said. “The public should know that the people

serving them don’t have any conflicts.”

Dozens of city employees are also required to fill out the

disclosure forms, from the chief of police to the city’s meter

readers. Hansen said he doesn’t plan to change employee disclosure


“I’ll leave that up to the city administrator to determine,” he


In the meantime, City Attorney Jennifer McGrath will draft an

ordinance repealing the disclosure requirements and present it to the

council for a formal vote. Hansen said he hopes the move allows his

colleagues to better fill needed positions.

“This will open ourselves up to a larger field of individuals who

might have been hesitant,” he said.
