
Jackson verdict jeers, cheers

Torrey Anderson Schoepe

In the wake of pop icon Michael Jackson’s acquittal Monday on child

molestation charges, opinions in Laguna Beach ran the gamut.

Reactions ranged from surprise, shock, and anger, to delight that the

singer was exonerated.

“I was shocked,” resident Justin Metzger said. “I thought they

were going to nail him, but I don’t think he did it.”

“I’m shocked that he was found not guilty. It’s just shocking,”

said a woman from Los Angeles who declined to give her name.

International opinions varied.

“That is a total injustice. I am shocked and appalled,” said a

woman from Toronto, Canada.

Kim Smith, formerly of Laguna but now in Canada, said, “I think

it’s fabulous. I don’t think he molested kids.”

Some thought Jackson was prosecuted only because of his fame.

“He’s a star,” one man said. “I don’t think he was ever guilty.

He’s only guilty of being stupid.”

A woman said she thought the verdict and the case were,

“Interesting. It all seemed very strange to me. It was sad, just

