
Evolution a good reason to study science...

Evolution a good reason to study science

For once I can agree in part with Wendy Leece (“Parents Talk

Back,” June 7) when she ascribes the lack of interest and poor

performance of our grade and high school students in science and

mathematics to “a materialistic lifestyle and noisy media [which]

encourage ease and laziness instead of rigorous exercise of the

mind,” but I cannot agree that the teaching of evolution or “new math

ideas” have much to do with the problem.

She claims “some of our best students” would have to put aside

their faith in God in order to pursue science. This she blames on the

teaching of evolution. She wholly misunderstands the historical

relationship of science and religion. The morality of science indeed

requires the scientist to put aside all external and personal

considerations and to accept only those propositions supported by the

evidence of nature. Historically the scientist adhered to this

morality precisely because of his faith in God.

Modern experimental science arose in the monasteries of Europe,

particularly the Franciscan monasteries. Saint Francis preached, as

had Muhammad, that God speaks to man through nature. The Franciscans

argued that since God would not deceive mankind, what mankind learns

from nature must be superior to any human authority. It follows that,

if there is an apparent contradiction between what you learn from

nature and stories in the Bible, it simply means you don’t understand

the Bible. This clearly follows even if you believe the Bible -- or

the Koran -- was written directly by God, for those who copy it and

interpret it are men and capable of error.

A case in point is the second chapter of Genesis. The word “Adam”

is not a proper name, as it is usually interpreted by

fundamentalists, but means in Hebrew “the man” or “mankind” depending

on the presence or absence of the definite article. (Compare the

usage, familiar to most Christians, in a letter of Saint Paul: “We

are all in Adam.”) This is but one of many clues to the allegorical

nature of the chapter, and it is part of the reason for the otherwise

curious fact that few Orthodox Jews are troubled by evolution.

If evolution is not an important reason for students to study

science, what is? In my 28 years experience teaching mathematics at

UC Irvine, I found that most students are there to find a high-paying

job for the least effort; they take science only when it is necessary

for their career goals. Since there have been few jobs in science and

mathematics for several decades, and most Americans disrespect

science and scientists, it is hardly any wonder that only a few

dedicated students are interested in pursuing science courses.

The problem then is how to make science and mathematics more

interesting for all students in the schools. The back-to-basics

movement and minimum competency testing was the worst thing that ever

happened to California schools. Education meant memorization of dry

facts with no analysis. My children’s schools had virtually no

classroom discussion. The students I had to teach at UCI that came

out of that regimen were mostly incapable of responding to classroom

discussion and refused to do so. They insisted on lectures, the worst

way to teach mathematics.

After a seesaw of reform and counter-reform in mathematics

teaching we still have a bad situation: an underfunded system heavily

dependent on memorization; a curriculum that might have been good if

the computer revolution had never happened; and few farming, shop and

home economics classes for students to get hands-on experience using

mathematics and science.

America once led the world in science education with its methods

of class discussion, conceptual learning and problem solving rather

than memorization and hands-on laboratory instruction.

In mathematics, this meant word problems, word problems, word

problems. Until we return to our roots in methodology and cut down

the present absurd course loads of teachers, so that they have the

time and energy to inspire students, we will achieve nothing useful

in our schools.


Costa Mesa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Rector is professor emeritus in the Department of

Mathematics at UC Irvine.

District should give more paper weight

RE: “District decides paper over plastic” (June 6).

I think that’s a wonderful job that the kids have done. It would

seem to me that the Newport-Mesa Unified School District could add

more if they were to write a letter to the various school districts

all the way up to Big Bear, if that’s where they think some of this

trash is coming from.

Send them a copy of this article just telling them the impact

they’re having on the clean-up at the beach and what our children

here are doing to try to mitigate that problem. Just a thought. Maybe

it would help people further inland, who enjoy the beaches just as

much as our children do.


Costa Mesa

Thanks for another great Pilot Cup

I just wanted to pass along my appreciation for whatever role the

Daily Pilot plays (underwriting? publicity? other?) in supporting the

Daily Pilot Cup soccer competition, this year’s version of which

concluded last Sunday. It is wonderful to see the joy and enthusiasm

of the third-, fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade boys and girls playing

with their classmates on teams representing their schools, an

experience which their normal soccer leagues (AYSO and club) do not

offer. Win, lose or draw, everyone involved -- players, coaches,

parents -- had a wonderful time. It even gave me a good excuse to

leave work early each day to watch my son play and/or offer my

services as a referee. (I managed to referee 14 games in five days.)

And special kudos to Kirk McIntosh, the brains and inspiration behind

it all.


Newport Beach
