
A great weekend to barbecue and watch for pirates



A lot is happening this weekend in Newport Harbor with the Newport

Sea Base’s opening day, boat shows and our live broadcast.

This weekend will be nice, as I am predicting that the rain will

leave us, and we should have pleasant partly cloudy days.

While on the subject of weather predictions, I am still batting a

thousand for my annual Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race weather


The Newport Sea Base is inviting all families to stop by its

opening day events. As the invitation flier says, “Bring your family

and friends ... there will be something for everyone! We will be here

rain or shine, so make plans for a super day on the water.”

The newly refurbished Sea Base has been transformed into a youth

maritime center for the community. This Saturday, you can tour the

100-year old tall ship Argus, ride a Nomad 17 sailboat, see the

Harbor Patrol’s fire boats and visit the Back Bay Science Center by

water taxi.

You can join in the numerous activities, like joining the Port

Royal Privateers for pirating mischief and games, challenging the Sea

Scouts in knot-tying and marlinspike skills or making some sea squirt

crafts. I would not be surprised if a pirate or two showed up to

claim their ill-gotten booty.

The Newport Beach Firefighter’s Assn. is bringing its barbecue, so

you can have some pirate grub. Also, a commemorative patch will be

given out to the kids who participate in the fun Saturday from 10

a.m. to 4 p.m. The ceremony is at 12:30 p.m.

The Newport Sea Base is located at 1931 West Coast Highway, but

there is very limited parking at the base, so contact Rachel Rash at

(949) 642-5031 or by e-mail at [email protected]. She will chart your

course to nearby parking for your land yacht.

There is a lot more for you this weekend with the boat shows at

both ends of the harbor. These shows are huge, with vendors

displaying every marine-related and some nonmarine-related stuff.

There will be boats and more boats in the water and on land that you

can walk through and dream about that night, especially the

130-footer at Lido Marina Village.

You will be amazed at all the vendors displaying new electronics,

boating attire, clubs, instructional programs and everything you

would need as a recreational boater or a wannabe boater.

The two boat shows are Duncan McIntosh Co.’s 32nd annual Newport

Boat Show at Lido Marina Village, and the Southern California Marine

Assn.’s Boat Show at the Dunes.

However, my tip of the week is to visit the event of all events on

Saturday -- my radio show’s live remote broadcast at the Newport Boat

Show at Lido Marina Village. We will be live on the air from noon to

1 p.m. in the Boathouse’s broadcast hut. The broadcast will located

outside the show gates on the cobblestone street that runs through

Lido Village, so it is free to join in with the live radio show.

We will have a special appearance by The Mojitos, who will play

during the commercial breaks.

And film crew will have their cameras rolling, filming a

television show, so you might have the chance to be on TV throughout

Southern California. In addition, you can win give-a-way prizes

including BoatUS/Vessel Assist one-year memberships, Hornblower

cruise tickets and special pillows from Banner Mattress.

Let me take a moment to thank all of the sponsors who made the

remote broadcast possible, starting with the Daily Pilot,

BoatUS/Vessel Assist, the Maritime Institute, the Dept. of Boating &

Waterways, Mikelson Yachts, Bluewater Grill, Hornblower Cruises,

Banner Mattress, Cisco Systems, Baseline Networks and KCBQ-AM.

I hope that I did not leave anyone off the list, but see you there

at the show!

Tune in to the No. 1 boating talk radio show in the nation, “Capt.

Mike Whitehead’s Boathouse Radio Show.” It airs every Saturday from

noon to 1 p.m. on KCBQ-AM (1170). You can join me, Chandler Bell and

Eric Hovland by calling the listener line at (888) 344-1170.

Safe voyages.

* MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating and harbor columnist. Send

him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by

e-mail to [email protected] or visit
