
Thanks a million for CM United pledge

For many Costa Mesa residents, discussing Newport Beach can be a

touchy subject. Despite the city’s self-described motto of being “the

best of Southern California,” some here have long felt jealousy over

their high-rent neighbor next door.

The feeling extended to the field of athletic facilities. For

many, it’s distressing enough that Costa Mesa and Estancia high

schools don’t have on-campus stadiums for football. But to have to

play in the next city over, at Newport Harbor, is particularly


The Costa Mesa City Council, to its credit, took a major step

toward easing that imbalance when it pledged to donate $1 million to

Costa Mesa United on Thursday. The money will go toward the

construction of a 2,500-seat football stadium at Estancia and an

Olympic-sized 50-meter pool at Costa Mesa High.

The donation is a major boost to Costa Mesa United, the

fundraising branch of the Costa Mesa Community Athletic Foundation,

bringing it closer to the $9.4 million it would take to build both

facilities. To this point, the group has brought in $3.5 million of

the total.

Having the stadium and the pool will allow Costa Mesa and Estancia

to hold more athletic events on campus without having to go on the


Beyond that, the two venues will also have a significant impact on

the part of the community that isn’t in high school. The benefits of

having another place to swim during the summer, a field for youth

football or even just another site for city events are immeasurable.

We understand the terms of the donation are subject to the whims

of the budget. These days, just about everything is.

But it was important for the City Council to take a stand and show

residents that it is committed to high school and public recreation

in the city. The children and all those who stand to use those

facilities in the future will thank them for it.

And if it happens to give the Mustangs and Eagles a little more

civic pride to rally around, so much the better.
