
Seniors, eighth-graders preparing for next school year

Ketta Brown

It’s that time of year again. Out with the old and in with the new.

Laguna Beach High School seniors are hearing or have heard where they

will be spending the next school year, and Thurston eighth-graders

are anxiously awaiting the visit on April 27 by the high school

counselors to give them the low down on what is really up at LBHS.

Before anyone can make a break for the door, however, there are

those pesky tests to get through. More than 200 LBHS students have

signed up to take advanced placement tests this spring. These will

begin May 2. Students scoring a three or higher on a five-point scale

may be eligible for college credit, a real boon to the parental

pocketbook. We are fortunate, given our small size, to have the

ability to provide numerous AP classes for our students.

On April 20, the PTA council will be sending two delegates to

Sacramento to meet with legislators and other officials regarding

school funding. This is the first time Laguna Beach is sending anyone

to this conference. Given the governor’s stance on education funding,

we felt it was important to be apprised of what the climate is in

Sacramento regarding this issue. Although LBUSD is relatively unique

in our basic aid funding, it is essential that we be aware and

supportive of districts around us which are revenue-limit districts.

You never know when that “excess” property tax issue may rear its

ugly head, and we may need back up.
