
Water polo club to hold registration The...

Water polo club to hold registration

The Golden West Water Polo Club will hold registration for its

spring water polo season on Feb. 23. Registration will be taken,

beginning at 6 p.m., at the Golden West College pool.

The club is open to boys and girls between the ages of two and 14.

The spring season will begin March 6 and run though May 15.

For more information, contact the club at (714) 846-1885, or visit

its website, https://www.goldenwestwater

Girls softball season set to begin

Huntington Beach Girls Softball will launch its 2005 season Feb.

26 at Circle View School. The season will officially kick off with

opening day ceremonies at the school, beginning at noon.

This year, the league is dedicated to the girls of Huntington

Beach and its surrounding communities, with more than 400 girls

competing in various divisions.

League play will take place in divisions, ranging from 6-and-Under

through 16-and-Under.

Oilers to hold celebration

The Huntington Beach High athletic department will host its

“Centennial Celebration of Athletics at Huntington Beach High School”

during a June 10 fundraising event.

The festivities will take place between 6 p.m. and midnight at the

Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort.

A donation of $75 per person includes dinner and dancing, a slide

show, raffle and silent auction.

Invitation to the event is extended to anyone who has participated

or contributed to the school’s athletic history in any form, current

and former athletes, Girls Athletic Assn. Members, booster club

members, supporters and donors.

The celebration committee is seeking names, addresses and phone

numbers of anyone interested in attending. It also is seeking old

photographs, trophies, plaques and any other memorabilia for display.

All donations are tax deductible and all proceeds from the event

go directly to the athletic department at the school.

For more information, contact Kurt Clemens at (714) 536-2514, ext.

4102, or at [email protected]; Kimberly (Watts) Clark at (714)

536-2514, ext. 425, or at [email protected], by visiting the

school’s website at, or by writing Clemens at

the school at 1905 Main St., Huntington Beach, CA, 92648.
