
The friendly face at the front door

Ninety-three-year-old Dorothy Goeman has been volunteering her time

at the Costa Mesa Senior Center as a front-desk receptionist for the

last five years.

Goeman moved from Los Angeles to Orange County in 1975, after her

husband passed away, to live closer to her daughter in Huntington

Beach. After initially living in Fountain Valley, she became a

resident of Costa Mesa a decade ago.

Goeman said she takes pleasure in helping others at the senior

center and that it is an excellent way for her to give back to the

community. She also enjoys the variety of people she meets at the

center. In her spare time, Goeman keeps herself occupied with bingo

gatherings with her friends and games of bridge, as well as frequent

visits with family and friends.

She sat down with the Daily Pilot’s Erica Shen and talked about

keeping busy at the senior center.

What’s your job at the Costa Mesa Senior Center?

I work at the front desk, answering the phone and giving general

information. Whatever people ask, I either try to help them with the

answers or I try to find the answers for them.

What motivated you to volunteer at the center?

I wanted to give something back and thought well, what can I do?

So I thought I could volunteer to work here. I was either going to

work at the gift shop or at the front desk; then the job here opened

up, so I took it.

What kind of people do you meet here?

I meet all kinds of people and most of them are nice. Every once

in a while, you get someone that’s kind of cranky, but most of them

are very nice. If you are nice to them, they are nice to you.

What advice do you have for people your age who are thinking about


I think they should do it. I think it’s great. One man came in on

Monday, and he was kind of upset and didn’t have what he wanted that

day. So, I smiled at him, and he said, “I feel so much better.” It

felt good to do something like that.

What else do you do to keep yourself occupied?

I play bridge, I read a lot and I go visit places. On Mondays, I

volunteer. I come here always on Wednesdays for bridge. Once in a

while, I play bingo on Thursday. Saturdays, I visit my family, and

Sunday I go to church.

How do you do to maintain your health to keep up with your busy


I try to walk. I try to eat properly, three meals a day. And a lot

of people, even my girls, I get mad at them because they don’t eat a

proper breakfast. I eat my breakfast right when I wake up. I feel

that’s the right way to start the day. Other than that, I try to live

