
1. Why did a jury award Corona...

1. Why did a jury award Corona del Mar High baseball coach John Emme

$700,000 this week?

A. He lost an acting award to Susan Lucci

B. To help him keep up with his students

C. They liked the cut of his jib

D. They decided Marc Martinez of Newport Coast had acted with

“oppression, malice, despicable conduct or fraud” against Emme, his

son’s former high school baseball coach, when Martinez filed two

lawsuits regarding Emme’s treatment of his son

2. Who will run the Orange County Market Place for at least the

next five years?

A. Tel Phil Enterprises, which started the swap meet

B. Don Bren

C. Henry Segerstrom

D. UCI’s Graduate School of Management

3. The Pacific Symphony announced what big news this week?

A. It’s changing its name to Atlantic Symphony

B. All Andrew Lloyd Webber, all the time

C. It will tour Europe in 2006

D. It will tour the U.S. this summer

4. What kind of animal has been seen along Newport Beach, in the

Back Bay and west into Huntington Beach?

A. A bald eagle

B. A white whale

C. An amorous skunk that authorities presume is French

D. A ‘70s disco party animal

5. Newport Beach restaurant owner Dennis Rodman is doing what to

try to raise money for tsunami victims?

A. Donating a portion of money from an NBA comeback

B. Auctioning off a trip with him to Vegas

C. Personalized piercing

D. Auctioning off his next tattoo

6. Why will Vanguard University’s performance of “The Lion in

Winter” have an encore?

A. It’s winter time

B. It was selected one of the best performances in the region and

will compete in a national competition

C. The audience is still applauding

D. It won’t. Trick question

ANSWERS: 1: D; 2: A; 3: C; 4: A; 5: B; 6: B
