
Crush time for college scholarships

Ketta Brown

The holidays are behind us and things are beginning to gear up for

the end of the semester and testing at Laguna Beach High School.

Seniors are hearing, or have heard, where they will be spending

their quality time next year. With that in mind, many scholarship

opportunities are available for which seniors may apply. These run

the gamut from area-of-study specific to the four $500 PTA Spirit


Nearly $100,000 of scholarship money was given last year. As the

lottery saying goes, “You can’t win unless you play.” We are so

fortunate here in Laguna Beach to have these funds available to our

students. It would be foolish to look this particular gift horse in

the mouth, even if it does take a small essay or two.

Many activities are planned for the near future. The Winter Formal

will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5. This is always a well-attended

event, probably because the girls do the asking. Go figure.

The music department will have its 11th annual Blues and Jazz

Festival at the Artist’s Theatre at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 29. Advance

tickets are available by calling (949) 497-9779 or will be sold at

the door. Come early. All proceeds will benefit the music department.

The Interact Club will be heading to Mexico in early March to work

at the orphanage they help sponsor. If you are interested in helping

them, you can contact Chris Krach through the High School.

Keep an eye on the marquee for up to the minute activities.

* KETTA BROWN is president of the Laguna Beach High School PTA.
