
“Tellers didn’t feel he was entitled to...

“Tellers didn’t feel he was entitled to the money, but he was


-- Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman, on 35-year-old Paul

Acierno, who was shot and killed by police after allegedly pointing a

gun at officers at a Washington Mutual. Bank employees called police

after Acierno had tried to cash an apparently forged check.

“I want to go all the way. I want to go to Woodstock ....We should

write some songs and put a CD out. That would be cool.”

-- Alex Herrera, 11, to fellow pre-teen bandmates in The Green

Room, formerly known as the Beagles.

“I think it’s something to very proud of. Newport Beach is an

affluent community, and it’s a very intelligent community.”

-- Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg on Newport communities being

ranked near the top of a nationwide report on property values.

“Here’s this woman standing at the door with her hands on her

belly. She was obviously pregnant. Usually those calls are pretty

ho-hum. But she goes, ‘The baby is coming!’ I was going to take her


-- Newport Beach Fire Capt. Chip Duncan after helping deliver a

baby before paramedics arrived at the scene.

“We had a trauma center full of surgeons. That’s how loved he


-- Western Medical Center Vice President Shelle Bilhartz on John

C. Kennady, a trauma neurosurgeon at the hospital who died of

injuries suffered in a Costa Mesa car crash.

“Everyone who spoke English was saying, ‘Run for the hills,

another one is coming!’ It was mayhem.”

-- Steve Abrams, 37, a Costa Mesa resident who was in Thailand

when the 9.0 earthquake hit, causing tsunamis that hit several

countries’ shores.

“There is a perception in the community that there is selective

targeting and enforcement, and that is a widespread perception.”

-- Ra’id Faraj, public relations director for the Anaheim chapter

of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, on the detention of

Imam Wagdy Ghoneim by U.S. immigration. Muslim leaders appealed to

Rep. Chris Cox to allow Ghoneim to be released.
