
Incumbents are ideal for Newport City Council

Newport Beach voters have one very easy decision when choosing whom

to elect to the City Council this Nov. 2: Councilman Steve Bromberg

is running for reelection unopposed. Even if he wasn’t, we think

Bromberg clearly deserves another four-year term. He went from Balboa

Island activist to strong city mayor in just a few years. He is

straight-forward in his thinking, no-nonsense about running the city

and has learned about city and regional issues. He will serve the

city well once again.

That he ended up with no opposition for his District 5 seat is

obvious proof we aren’t alone in our thinking.

Choosing in the other two races will be more difficult, as voters

are fortunate to have excellent candidates in both. The District 7

race between incumbent John Heffernan and Dolores Otting is a prime


Otting is as schooled in city issues, city regulations and city

workings as a person can be who isn’t on a city council or a planning

commission. Her commitment to the city is unquestionable, as is her

desire to see Newport Beach be its best. She has a common sense

approach to problems and is a dedicated community volunteer. She’s

well-known for her direct, speak-her-mind attitude, a quality that

serves her well as a watchdog of city government. She is a champion

of open, civil government. She is one of the key residents in town

who help keep the quality of life in Newport Beach so high.

Much the same can be said for her opponent. During his nearly four

years on the council, Heffernan has proven to be an independent

thinker and one without ties to special interests. He asks tough

questions during council meetings and appears to vote his conscience,

unconcerned with the potential costs of going against business

interests or those of the slow-growth Greenlight group, with which he

initially was aligned but since has drifted from. We also like that

Heffernan is not seeking endorsements and is running mainly on his

record of service.

The biggest concern with Heffernan is his commitment to serving

the four-year term. He came close to resigning midway through his

term and was poised not to run for reelection. But following

discussions with him, we are convinced that he is determined to

fulfill his obligation if elected.

Heffernan and Otting share many similar qualities and positions,

and voters would be well-served by either. But we believe they would

be best served by reelecting Heffernan. He will offer the critical,

independent voice residents need. He will make decisions untied to

any interest beyond what he thinks is best for the city. We also

think that Otting’s role as a committed, dogged outsider serves her

and the city best.

In District 2, voters will have a clearer choice between

Councilman Steve Rosansky and John Buttolph, as the differences

between them are greater, especially on development and

Greenlight-related issues. The third candidate, Catherine Emmons,

needs a fuller resume of service to the community to warrant serious

consideration, and we encourage her to volunteer time in the city.

Buttolph has an impressive resume for someone who has lived in the

city just five years. He proved to be the catalyst to get the

Greenlight law altered when it comes to measuring how hotels affect

traffic. He volunteered time with Friends of the OASIS Senior Center.

He is knowledgeable about city issues, promises to be independent and

a consensus-maker and seems to be a strong-willed, decisive man.

Rosansky, who was appointed to the council a year ago, has proven

to be a thoughtful, dedicated city leader. He led a dramatic council

turnaround during his first weeks in office that ended with the

council supporting a state plan to remove mobile homes from El Morro

Village. This summer, he stood up for his constituents and helped

force the Army Corps of Engineers to back down from a plan to dump

sediment from the Santa Ana River on West Newport’s beaches. He has

struck a fine balance between competing business and anti-development

interests and has earned favorable marks from the vast majority of

people who have worked with him this past year. Plus, he seems truly

to enjoy the busy public side of his council position, which involves

attending community events and activities both large and small.

For these reasons, we believe voters should elect Rosansky to a

full term on the council.

It is notable that our three choices are all incumbents. We do not

lightly urge votes against incumbents, nor do we unthinkingly endorse

those already in office. Fresh ideas often can provide the compulsion

a council needs to perform its best. In the cases of these three men,

however, we believe that their qualifications and accomplishments

rise above their opponents’. They have and will serve the city well.

We urge voters to support Councilmen Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan

and Steve Rosansky.
