
1. Which country club won last week’s...

1. Which country club won last week’s Jones Cup golf competition?

A. Santa Ana

B. Big Canyon

C. Mesa Verde

D. Newport Beach

2. Which Newport Beach city councilman announced last week that

his last day in office will be Sept. 1?

A. Dick Nichols

B. Don Webb

C. Tod Ridgeway

D. Gary Adams

3. Newport Beach officials are vowing to keep what off the beach

of West Newport?

A. Dennis Rodman

B. Sediment from the Santa Ana River

C. Cigarettes

D. Fireworks

4. St. James Church in Newport Beach broke away from what

religious affiliation last week?

A. Episcopal

B. Catholic

C. Wiccan

D. Baptist

5. UC Irvine ranked among the top public universities in the

country for what?

A. Being a party school

B. A school to be a surfer

C. Overall academics

D. Donations

ANSWERS: 1: D; 2: D; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B
