
This was a moment in the ongoing...

This was a moment in the ongoing Crystal Cove restoration project

that I dreamed of seeing from the day the residents began dismantling

their cottages a few years ago: the old landmark sign of Crystal Cove

being hauled away, signaling the close of one era and opening the new


The picture never happened back then, but luckily it didn’t fade

like an old black-and-white -- the idea would stick for a while.

When we returned to Crystal Cove for an update, former Crystal

Cove resident Laura Davick led us on a tour of the new project. It

was fun to revisit the story that was so emotional and important. As

we stood on the beach talking to Davick I saw a carpenter appear

holding a plank on his shoulder. It wasn’t just any plank, it was the

original Crystal Cove sign. I prayed that he was going to walk a ways

with it. He was moving fast, and I couldn’t get a position to see the

writing on the sign. I did not want to miss this. Luckily, Davick

stopped the man and told him about the significance of the sign and

to handle it with care. It was the break I needed.

Now with the right lens I followed ahead of the sign shooting away

with no obstacles or interruptions. Never give up on old ideas. Maybe

someday they will have their time.

-- Don Leach
