
Glory not all in the game

Judaism, Christianity and Islam compete with one another. Each

believes it solely possesses the central revelations of God, the most

truthful teachings about the world and the deepest insights into the

nature of man.

Each faith claims that the others fail to recognize this greater

knowledge and genuine stature. Both Christianity and Islam charge

Judaism with stiff-necked refusal to acknowledge later revelations

that amend and renew its original truths. Both Judaism and Islam

indict Christianity for engaging in idolatry through its premise that

God begat a son who is a form of God and who took human form.

Both Judaism and Christianity avow that God did not transmit a

unique, ultimate revelation to Muhammad.

In each instance, these religions have judged one another and

concluded that, despite essential commonalities, there exist

formidable differences.

At its best, competition between the faiths can stimulate our

minds as we rub up against alternative visions and foreign ideas. It

can compel us to critically examine our own truths and test their

validity in our very lives. But, of course, we have seen competition

between the faiths mutate into savage bloodletting; the “other” is

vanquished so that one belief alone will predominate. Like every

other dynamic, competition may be a force for blessing or a curse.

Turning from religion to economics, we learn that competition

among rival firms generally benefits consumers. Jewish law favors a

climate of competition. In a Talmudic discussion, the question is

raised whether a retail merchant can prevent another from setting up

his business nearby. The response is that as long as the new arrival

is a taxpaying member of the community, he is allowed to open shop.

The goal of Jewish law is to protect consumers through competition

and not sacrifice consumer welfare by allowing merchants to protect

themselves from competition. It recognizes that competition among

rivals produces a desirable outcome (“jealousy among scholars

increases wisdom”).

Yet, as religious competition has degenerated into murder, how

often has the market been polluted by cutthroat practices that

transform healthy competition into an all-out ruthless struggle for

supremacy. As David Sarnoff observed, “Competition brings out the

best in products and the worst in people.” So, Mario Puzo writes of

Don Vito Corleone: “Like many businessmen of genius, he learned that

free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient. And so he simply

set about achieving that efficient monopoly.”

There is a place for competition in human life, as evidenced by

the fact that if men do not compete for profit, they compete for

prestige, power and pleasure. We have witnessed the demise of every

utopian experiment in which competition is renounced; neither man nor

his society can long tolerate the nullification of accomplishment.

But when we compete, we must do so with integrity and with the

reminder to not forfeit our soul while pursuing physical victories.

We must strive to be not only competitors who outdo one another but

custodians who share with one another. The Bible does not favor one

type of economic system over another; it does say that competition

has to be balanced by cooperation. The desire to win must be wedded

to an ideal, an ethical way of life. It must never become so strong

that it dwarfs every other aspect of the game of life.

A final thought: The image of competition conjures races for the

finish line, the winning of contracts, scoring the most runs,

securing the plum position, gaining admission to the elite school,

being the most beautiful, amassing the greatest fortune, achieving

fame and wielding power. We idealize those who have secured these

physical rewards. We want what these people have and strive to attain

it. But should we not, as well, look to other role models: those who

are most attached to God, whose goal is refinement of character,

whose spirituality is luminous, whose compassion is limitless, whose

righteousness stands firm, whose integrity is above reproach, who are

devoted to their families, who serve their fellow man. Would we not

prosper through the effort to have what they have? Wouldn’t everyone

win if we competed in goodness?


Temple Bat Yahm

Newport Beach

Islam’s platform is based on the theory of moderation in every

aspect of our lives. Islam teaches us that we must not be too liberal

or extreme in our actions or thoughts.

Within the state of moderation, a dosage of competition can be

considered as healthy. Competition is a form of promoting motivation

that produces better means of life.

As long as the competition [test of skill] is an organized

cooperation set forth in improving conditions and not shrouded in the

sense of rivalry, then its outcome ensures the survival of

development and exchange.


Islamic Educational Center of Orange County

Costa Mesa

The capitalist system rose out of the Protestant reformation and

the work ethic taught by the reformers. Work was elevated as a place

of ministry in an era when it was believed the only “real” ministry

was given to kings and clergy.

The Protestant work ethic taught people that we worship God by

excelling in whatever occupation or capacity he has gifted us in or

called us to. Capitalism came from this. As people excelled and took

pride, they succeeded financially.

Unfortunately, the more materially blessed humans are, the less we

remember who blessed us in the first place. We become self-sufficient

and greedy and proud. Companies now have no interest in the benefit

of the community or environment, unless of course, it benefits the

profit margin of the shareholders or tax benefits. Capitalism without

a moral system behind it becomes destructive to humans, animals and

any environment it is placed in.

The same is true of any competitive arena. Competition in its

basic forms encourages growth and development. My toddler decided she

wanted to be potty trained when she saw others her age without

diapers. It is only when the moral systems are forgotten that

competition becomes destructive. It is only when players no longer

see themselves as role models, when they are only in it for the money

that the game no longer has value.

This week, a full-grown man pushed a young child out of the way in

order to take a baseball that had fallen near the child. The crowd

booed and heckled the man, but he had what he wanted, and he didn’t

care who had to take the fall. Don’t you feel like that small boy

sometimes, when you get your phone bill or in some cases your


With the Olympic Games coming up, there is a lot of talk about

athletes “doping up.” To some of us, the thought of winning a game,

race or contest by cheating would seem empty. Yes, everyone thinks

you are the best, but inside you know you are not. But with moral

systems eroding, more and more athletes and artists are out for the

“bling bling” and the girls and hopefully a deal in Hollywood. It

doesn’t matter how many kids’ lives they trample on in the process.

Bottom line, competition can be a very godly method of

development, but without a moral system, it can be devastating. It is

up to the community to promote a moral system that would honor honest

work and discourage selfish, cutthroat individualism.



Harbor Trinity Church

Costa Mesa

Competition is the motivational means in cultural arenas, from

athletics to academics in our contemporary society.

Being “highly competitive” is synonymous with success or

achievement in areas of our lives from education to economics. People

no longer really believe what my parents taught me: “It’s not whether

you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.”

Vince Lombardi’s “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing”

is America’s real philosophy. Christians should be concerned about a

culture concerned only with “winners” and “the best and the

brightest” when Jesus (Matthew 25:40) mandates quite clearly that we

are to care for “the least” among us.

Treating people with respect is all-important. Not succeeding at

someone else’s expense is most significant. To prove oneself by

another’s failure is not only morally dubious; it is self-defeating

pragmatically. If all I have to do to be successful is to beat you,

it’s a whole lot easier to cause you to do worse than I than it is to

get myself to do better than you.

Watch our children playing sports: Do they play to learn teamwork,

for exercise, to develop their skills, or do they play to win? Listen

to them blame the referee or umpire for their mistakes and/or the

other’s triumph.

When kids choose up sides, do they try to even out the teams, so

they will have healthy competition, or do they seek only the best

players in order to win the contest? A friend proudly tells of

coaching his children’s neighborhood soccer team for which captains

were chosen on a rotating basis each week. When his daughter’s turn

to pick first came, she chose the girl always chosen last and

continued to choose in reverse of the usual order.

Her team was outscored badly, but they enjoyed their game so much

that no one could even tell they were losing. Certainly, the other

team must have seen that their victory was meaningless. My friend is

proud that his daughter made “the last first” and relates it to Luke

13:30; I wouldn’t go quite that far!

Yes, we should be competitive ... mostly with ourselves. At 58, I

play tennis for exercise, for fresh air and sweat, for camaraderie

and to do the best I am able that day; I enjoy playing with friends

who don’t even keep score. Winning does not have to mean defeating

someone else; winning can be accomplished by struggling against

ourselves, trying to improve upon our past performance, rejoicing for

another’s excellence, learning to cooperate.



Saint Michael & All Angels

Episcopal Parish Church

Corona del Mar

“Do not elevate yourself and put down others.” This Zen Buddhist

precept acknowledges our tendency to compare and to compete, and yet

it also encourages us to express our true nature as “one with” rather

than “separate from” or “better than” or “worse than.”

We react from the false, hurting self and seek validation or

escape through external rewards won through competition: power, fame

and wealth.

It is our nature to do our best, to uncover obstacles and to

authentically realize ourselves. In Zen, we say this is the natural

act of polishing a diamond. We do not need “being the best” or

“beating opponents” to harness our energy and bring us satisfaction,

although we may have been taught to believe that we do.

I recently began study of Shaolin Kempo. I sometimes have thoughts

such as, “I’m definitely the worst one here,” or “I’ll get my black

belt someday, too.” In Zen practice, we are encouraged to honestly

acknowledge these thoughts of judging, comparing or competing, but

then to return to the kick or block or jumping jacks at hand. I

refocus on being wholehearted about my training, developing my

fitness and skills to the best of my ability -- not to mention losing

some weight! If we listen carefully, we hear our suffering when we

compete, whether we win or lose. Instead, we can find deep

satisfaction in taking our place in life just as it is in the present


In a society so heavily influenced by corporatism and consumption,

competition is presented as an American value. Whatever its possible

merits, we would do well to reflect critically on the dangers. Its

“survival of the fittest” undercurrent implies that free competition

has fairly rewarded those who deserve it and that little is owed to

the most vulnerable and disadvantaged segments of society.

Religious traditions affirm the dignity and rights of those who

have lost the competition.


Zen Center of Orange County

Costa Mesa
