
Culverhouse heads on to Thurston

Suzie Harrison

Moorea Howson was the presenter in front of a crowd of more than 550

people, though still an amateur, the 5-year-old wasn’t scared. Moorea

was thrilled to have the honor. The El Morro Elementary School

kindergarten student was in charge of giving outgoing Principal

Joanne Culverhouse gifts from the school at a surprise assembly

Tuesday. It was a day of celebration to honor Culverhouse, who is

leaving El Morro after five years, to be a principal at the middle

school level at Thurston.

“I gave her a present in front of the school, a shirt, a blanket

and diamond earrings,” Moorea said. “It felt good. I was happy that I

got to give her presents. We’re good friends.”

Culverhouse was completely surprised and broke into tears when the

student said “I have a present for you,” third-grade teacher Mary

Blanton said.

Blanton was one of the speakers that tugged at Culverhouse’s


Blanton carefully explained that words and their meanings change

and gave a translation that she is apt to run into dealing with older


“If something is phat, sick, or wicked, well that means it is

cool, outstanding or stellar. If something is banging or large, well

then that means it is exciting or powerful. If the students ask about

your ride, they want to know about your car. As for bling bling ...

don’t worry about it. You don’t have any ... you are in public


After further delving into the “vocab” lesson, Blanton applied

some usage.

“Dr. Culverhouse, you have been a wicked principal. You have a

phat unicycle and scooter. You are a banging basketball player and

your guitar playing is sick ... Bottom line-you rock!” Blanton said.

PTA President Melanie Lewis gave a heartfelt speech and the school

sang a rewritten version of the Beatles’ “In My Life,” with words

befitting Culverhouse.

“We had every child make a handmade card and at the end of the

assembly -- we had all the classes stand with their teacher and

[they] stood in line and passed by a basket where each child gave

their card and gave her a hug,” Lewis said. “Every one of them hugged


Culverhouse received 550 cards.

“Our hearts are heavy with her leaving, but joyous to still be a

part of her life at Thurston,” Lewis said. “We really wanted to show

her and say thank you to her from all of us, the kids, staff and


Following the assembly there was an all-school picnic on the

grounds and a teacher/student softball game. Parents, staff and

students spent the day showing their appreciation for their beloved


“”It’s such an incredible school community and I know Thurston is

equally incredible,” Culverhouse said. “I’m looking forward to that.”
