
Sewer tax increase is a ruse by the city

Lee Reymer II

Under the guise of a public notice the city of Laguna Beach has

actually sent a ballot. A ballot that seriously affects your

pocketbook or purse. They have proposed an eight year escalating

sewer charge increase. This on top of two other very significant

increases in recent years. The city uses a reverse approval method --

i.e. if they do not get a 51% objection to their proposal, which must

detail the writers parcel number on it, then they use the approach

that everyone that did not respond is in favor of the increase and it

is approved.

Their statistics are flawed as well as the manner that rates or

charges are levied.

A single-family home, whether it has one bathroom or 12 bathrooms,

is charged the same monthly tax (they call it a fee). It is not fair

and equitable for one user to discharge 12 times the amount of water

into our sewer system yet still only pay the same as for one.

There was no sewer tax/fee until after Proposition 13 was passed.

It was then it was put into effect to increase city revenue. Quite

obviously that income was not used for all these years to upgrade our

sewer system. After Proposition 13 was passed tax increases and new

taxes were to be voted upon, so that is why our wily city management

called it a fee, but it really was a new tax. To prove that it is a

tax: This is levied even on undeveloped lots that actually do not

discharge into the sewer system. Since it is not used by these

properties it is a tax. This tax was never voted on, and is also

covered under Proposition 218.

Wrongfully the city stresses that this increase is based upon an

Environmental Protection Agency order to the city to reduce sewer

spills. Wrong because this was accomplished, for the most part,

during the past two years. Primarily by getting tough with the

restaurants and forcing them to cease the practice of their dumping

grease into the sewers which causes solid blockage.

Now it is time, instead of raising the sewer tax again, to go

after the other culprit that causes sewer spills. The city must enact

regulations that will require all plumbing service companies that do

root removal from property laterals to notify the city two hours

before they dump a load of roots into the city sewer mains. This

would alert the city of where this might cause a problem and the

volumes that could be expected. Thus they could plan ahead and thus

avert spills.

The city has misled the public by the many mistruths that are in

the notice sent them.

They contend that inflation is 3.5%, however the U.S. government

consumer price index reports 2002 -- 1.4%; and 2003 -- 2.1%. A big


They advise that this is an increase of about $1.14 per month.

Actually, it starts at $1.16 and annually increases by year as

follows: $1.17, $1.25, $1.25, $1.33, $1.39, $1.47 and finally $1.42

per month. Quite a difference from $1.14.

This increase throughout eight years for a single family residence

is $10.33 per month or $123.96 per year. Again, the city shows this

to be an average of 3.5% yet is actually 3.95% per year.

The city now controls both the water department and the sewer

services. To be fair and equitable to the property owners, all the

city has to do is hook up the computers of each together and bill

sewer taxes the same way as they do water by the amount used or put

down the sewers by individual property location. Besides being fair

in charging those who use the water proportionally, it would reward

those of us that are practical and practice water conservation. This

just might get more people to become water conservation minded. Water

is a finite resource.

It is reported that 25% to 30% of Lagunans are retirees. Many of

this group just get by. Is it reasonable to drive this group out of

Laguna with constant and continuing unwarranted city taxation? The

water, sewage, trash and property taxes continue to escalate but

their Social Security income goes up only by the CPI as reported by

the federal government not by the hallucinations of City Hall.

The Environmental Protection Agency stated the changes do not have

to be done immediately. This can be done as the water district has

done over the years, about five per year or less. It is a pity that

the city sewer system has not been operated as efficiently as the

water district has over the past 40 years.

Write your letter of disapproval of these increases to the city so

they get it before the hearing on June 1. Be sure to show your home

address and parcel number, it is on your tax bill.

* LEE REYMER II is a Laguna Beach resident.
