
Expansion means traffic and noise I oppose...

Expansion means traffic and noise

I oppose the expansion plans for St. Andrew’s Church in Newport

Beach. We are residents of Newport Beach and we think it will create

a lot of traffic problems, as well as noise.


Newport Beach

Expansion ‘not fair’ to the community

My husband and I are opposed to the expansion of St. Andrew’s.

It’s way too extensive, and we feel that it’s not fair to the people

of this community to have this additional expansion and traffic in

our neighborhood.


Newport Beach

New church youth center is needed

I am in favor of the plans for St. Andrew’s. The new facilities

will provide needed space for the young people in the area. The

additional parking spaces will provide parking on church property,

and remove these cars from the nearby streets.

Also, please make it clear in your articles that the church is not

moving out of its present boundaries. The added space will be

underground. The look of the buildings will remain about the same.


Newport Beach

Letter from Gaza a beacon in foggy era

I want to commend you for publishing the account, titled “Finding

friends, and God, among bullets in Rafah,” on Tuesday by Husein

Mashni of his experience in Gaza.

This story is like a shaft of bright light in the midst of a

chaotic, savage and brutal scene in Gaza. Our prayers and

encouragement are owed to this heroic Christian man whose life is

devoted to helping the oppressed in that hate-filled region. This

account deserves a wide readership.


Newport Beach
