
Monarchs of winged knowledge

“That they let their wings out when they sleep.”

Kira Armao, 8

Costa Mesa

“They hang upside down when they’re resting.”

Berenice Ramirez, 10

Costa Mesa

“They fly sometimes when they’re mating.”

Megan Estrada, 7

Costa Mesa

“The life stages of the caterpillar are called ‘metamorpho- sis.’”

Omar Arce, 8

Costa Mesa

“When a butterfly survives in nature it’s called ‘adaptation.’”

Rachel Witter, 8

Costa Mesa

“Butterflies have four live stages. The first is when the mother

lays eggs. The second is the larvae. The third is the pupa or

chrysalis. The fourth is the adult butterfly.”

Guadalupe Pulido, 9

Costa Mesa

-- Interviews and photographs

compiled by Marisa O’Neil
