
Tell the city what you think


Good morning Laguna Beach, we have some big news this week in the way

of a very important City Council meeting coming up April 20. Among

the items on the agenda will be a proposal to ban smoking on public

beaches. During which you can express your support or displeasure

regarding this item.

Among other topics that can also be discussed during the public

comments portion of the meeting may include your concerns regarding

proper Lifeguard staffing within city limits and or your support for

the building of a new Lifeguard headquarters, which is also greatly


Together we can keep our beaches beautiful, safe and smoke free.

Sounds like a great cause to get behind and show your support. So

I’ll see you all there. Now we’re making some great progress.

This weeks thumbs up award goes to none other than long time

Laguna local Garth (the Worm) Wyckoff being hired as one of the hosts

on Cox Cable’s new sports show “Out of Bounds.” You can catch him at

7:30 p.m. weeknights on Channel 3.

We have a couple of special birthdays this week starting with a

belated “happy birthday” to my sister Sue who turned ... it’s OK Sue,

I won’t tell this time. And a big “happy 40th birthday” to Jon

Roripaugh. Wow the big 40! Should be a fun party.

Lastly this week’s thumbs down award goes to dirty cigarette

butts, ocean pollution, litter, traffic, wait hold on a minute -- I’m

too young to be bitter. Let’s continue to take care of our town and

enjoy where we live.


* JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach resident, professional surfer

and co-founder of “They Will Surf Again,” a nonprofit foundation

assisting people with spinal cord injuries. He was also a member of

the Water Quality Advisory Committee. He can be reached at

[email protected]. His Web site is
