
Costa Mesa City Council will review the...

Costa Mesa City Council will review the following programs and

services with an eye on streamlining or cutting them to save money.

They include:

* Park ranger security services

* Community education programs including business and residential

security appraisals and personal protection seminars

* Functions of the city manager’s office including a staff liaison

to the Fairview Friends Committee, an ad hoc executive director to

the community foundation and coordinator of the city newsletter


* Non-mandated public notice through publication and mailings to

residents for public hearings

* Discretionary portions of the appeals process for decisions made

by city administrators, commissions and council, and the appeals

process for development permits

* Municipal code prosecutions by the city attorney’s office

* Support services provided to council and city commissions by the

Public Services Department, support to the planning commission from

various departments, and development services planning support to


* Public notice in advance of planning and zoning decisions

* Regulations on how development permits are processed

* Staff support services to the human relations committee

* Recreation programs for adults, youth and teens including teen

camps and community service programs, adult basketball and softball

leagues, and youth soccer and cheerleading

* Concerts and events including summer concerts at Fairview Park

* Recreation staff support services to four recreation committees

* Scheduling of reservations for athletic fields and a field

ambassador program

* Mobile recreation and skate park programs

* Family recreation programs and activities
