
School improvements on the way

Van Riley

On March 2, the voters of the Huntington Beach Union High School

District approved Measure C, a bond measure that will greatly improve

the conditions at our district’s six high schools, the continuation

high school, alternative high school and adult school.

For years we have been applying band-aids to whatever repair was

needed at the moment and using grants and state bond funds to fix the

most critical of the repairs. But, we were never able to keep up.

Most of our high schools are more than three decades old and have

experienced years of wear and tear from generations of high school


Every one of our six high schools, the continuation high school,

alternative high school and adult school will enjoy many needed

upgrades and improvements.

Measure C provides funds that will allow us to repair and replace

fire alarm systems, make seismic upgrades, remove hazardous material

and improve lighting at all of the district’s schools. In addition,

we will stabilize sinking buildings at Edison and Fountain Valley

high schools. At Marina, we will be able to replace and repair

plumbing, drains, sewers and other utility systems. At Huntington

Beach, Ocean View and Westminster high schools we will build, furnish

and equip new classrooms and related facilities such as restrooms and

teacher workrooms to relieve overcrowding, and accommodate enrollment

growth and replace old dilapidated portable classrooms that have been

around for way too long.

On May 25, a proposed five-year plan to implement Measure C will

be presented to the Board of Trustees. The public is invited to

attend this important meeting that will be held at the district’s


And while approving the school bond, the voters also approved very

strong safeguards that will ensure that bond funds are properly spent

-- the actual list of repairs is part of the bond measure itself. An

Independent citizens oversight committee will be responsible to

ensure that bonds funds are spent in accordance with Measure C and

the Facilities Master Plan. Applications for membership will be

available through the District’s website after April 20.

The committee will meet quarterly and is responsible for

overseeing Measure C bond projects and funds.

Quality education is a priority and concern for us all. Providing

a classroom environment that is clean, safe, and comfortable is as

important as good textbooks and good teachers.

We are extremely thankful to the voters of our district for their

vision and the support of our students and teachers.

If you have any questions on how the bond money will be spent or

the timeframe for repairs you can call any of our school principals

or you can reach me at the district office, (714) 964-3339.

* VAN RILEY is the superintendent of the Huntington Beach Union

High School District.
