
No voices raised at this fundraiser

Lolita Harper

These boys are used to singing for their suppers but Saturday they

took to running in circles for the All-American Boys Chorus

Jog-a-Thon fundraiser.

Members and supporters of the All-American Boys Chorus gathered

Saturday afternoon at Davis Elementary in Costa Mesa hoping to raise

$80,000 for the nonprofit organization. More than 100 boys sweat it

out in the mid-afternoon heat to raise money for their highly

acclaimed choir.

The Davis field was transformed into a party venue Saturday with

various tents and booths, food and drinks and music -- loud, upbeat


“This is very fun,” said chorus member Christian Chavez, who has

run in the annual Jog-a-Thon six years now. “I’m ready to go.”

Members of the All-American Boys Chorus, which is headquartered at

the Orange County fairgrounds, went out and asked friends, family,

and community neighbors to sponsor them per lap run or a flat

donation for participating.

Spokeswoman Kim Long said the annual Jog-a-Thon is the

organization’s largest annual fundraiser and is especially rewarding

for the boys because the money comes from their own hard work.

But the “best thing” is all the friends that the boys make,

Christian said.

Christian, 13, from Cypress was waiting on the sidelines while the

younger chorus members finished their hour of running. Although he

had numerous friends at the event, he was hanging out with his mom,

Kathy Chavez.

“This is the best thing I have done for him,” Chavez said about

signing her son up for chorus. “The association is so disciplined and

moral and structured, which will in turn make him a stronger adult

and young man.”

And although Christian likes singing, he doesn’t see any bright

lights in his adult future.

“He’s going to be a doctor,” Kathy Chavez said.

Sonnie Hoots of Santa Ana was another mom having a blast at the

event. She was in charge of the goodies table where scores of

cookies, cakes, muffins and punch were assembled.

“I got the good job,” she said.

Her son Nicholas Hoots was on the track, drenching himself in the

free water provided to the runners. It was hot, the mother explained.

Unlike Christian, Nicholas is a “newbie,” his mother said -- a

“blue shirt,” as they are designated in the chorus.

“Its an amazing, amazing group of boys,” Hoots said.

The funds raised will provide the chorus with music and resources,

vocal training, and other expenses such as busses to various

performances, and the production costs of community productions,

officials said.

* LOLITA HARPER is the community forum editor. She also writes

columns Wednesdays and Fridays. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275

or by e-mail at [email protected].
