
* What is the most pressing issue...

* What is the most pressing issue in the state? In Newport-Mesa?

In the state, the most pressing issue is illegal immigration. It

is time to stop the flood of illegals across our southern

international border, our state border to the east and our ports and

harbors up and down the coast. In Newport-Mesa as in other coastal

communities in the 35th [District], the most pressing issue is

restoring the integrity of our ocean waters and beaches. Our local

economies are directly linked to the quality of our ocean waters and


* What is the best solution to the state’s budget crisis?

Implement my CATS program. The C stands for cycle, as in two year

budget cycle. The A stands for across the board 3.5% cut in spending

excluding education. The T stands for tactical garage sale of the

state’s $33 billion worth of surplus real estate, equipment, vehicles

and stockpiled supplies. The S stands for send the legislators home

without pay when the Legislature is not in session.

* Assuming the Legislature stays in Democratic hands, how will you

work with the majority party?

It will not be easy. Leadership is the key. You have to convince

the Democrats that there is a better way to do business in the best

interests of the people. Tough, but not impossible.

* What makes you the best person for the job?

Because I’m a leader and have been all my life -- in school, the

military, business and local government. As mayor of Dana Point, I

run my city like a business -- in the black with a budget surplus and

reserves for a rainy day. The state can do the same if the voters

send forceful, experienced leadership to Sacramento.

* What one thing would you hope to accomplish while in office?

To set the state on a positive course with a strategic plan, a

balanced budget and a powerful vision.
