
An article in Sunday’s Pilot, “Vote set...

An article in Sunday’s Pilot, “Vote set on toll roads’ operations

merger,” about the proposed merger of operations of the San Joaquin

Hills Toll Road and the Foothill and Eastern toll roads, should have

read that tolls would be collected through 2054 for the San Joaquin

Hills Toll Road and 2044 for the other two if the merger did not take

place. Also, with the merger, the Foothill and Eastern toll roads

would be able to stop charging tolls in 2040 or extend them to 2045

to complete the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road.

An article in Thursday’s The Political Landscape about campaign

mailers in the 70th Assembly District mischaracterized a candidate’s

involvement with a mailer. While mailers were sent out in support of

candidate Chuck DeVore by the California Republican Assembly, DeVore

was not involved with sending the mailers.

Thursday’s Politics Aside column contained the wrong spelling of a

company that has provided financial support to the California

Republican Assembly Independent Expenditure Committee. It is

Fieldsted & Co. of Irvine.
