
Politicians in training

Marisa O’Neil

Clark is out. Dean is gone. But Lorena Vega is going strong.

Lorena, 11, survived the primaries and won Thursday’s mock

election, making her the first “president” of THINK Together at

Shalimar’s after-school program. Students in the fourth, fifth and

sixth grades at the center spent their week off after Presidents Day

learning what it takes to become president.

Many of the students at the center were born in another country or

have parents who immigrated, center director Lindsy Pike said.

Learning about the democratic process at an early age might make them

more interested in getting involved and voting for real -- when

they’re old enough, she said.

“We’re teaching them that this is a government of the people, by

the people, for the people and that they can have a say in things

that happen,” she said.

After learning about Democrats and Republicans and international,

domestic and economic issues earlier this week, the students split

randomly into two parties. At Shalimar, international policy

translated into their relationship with the teen center, domestic

policy translated to trash problems plaguing the property and candy

distribution fell into the economics category.

Each party nominated two candidates, who prepared speeches and

campaigned for the nomination. At the end of it, Lorena -- running as

a Republican -- and Democrat Dora Flores,11, were left standing and

ready for their presidential campaign speeches, complete with visual


“Pencil, 25 cents,” Dora said to the class, reading from a sign

she’d made. “Books, $65. Computer, $999. Everyone receiving straight

A’s because of Shalimar, one trillion-billion dollars. Dora Flores,

priceless. Vote for me and you will be priceless to me, too.”

But Lorena had promises few could resist.

“Imagine the center overflowing with candy,” she said in her

speech. “A break every 20 minutes. Never having to read. Computers

for everyone. Two hours in the pool after homework.”

Two at a time, the students went out on the patio -- which stood

in as a voting booth -- and cast their ballots. They even got the

requisite “I voted” stickers to wear.

When all was said and done, Lorena came out as the winner. For her

first act in office, she gave everyone 100 Grand -- 100 Grand candy


Not everybody, however, was happy with the outcome. One political

insider speculated the new president might not be able to deliver on


“I voted for Dora,” 10-year-old Octavio Morales confessed. “Lorena

can’t promise what she said.”

* MARISA O’NEIL covers education. She may be reached at (949)

574-4268 or by e-mail at [email protected].
