
Readers jaded by Greenlight’s threat of lawsuit

In response to Friday’s article, “Greenlight ready to change,” I

submit the following.

Well, here we go again. Newport Beach’s American Civil Liberties

Union; oops, I mean, Greenlight, is once again unhappy with the rules

that they themselves worked on and agreed to with the city.

Now they are unhappy that someone actually got on base with a

project. It does not matter what the project is because this handful

of Greenlight insiders are opposed to any project.

Oh, they will let a church or a school slip by because in Newport

Beach they must. So now, with the threat of a lawsuit -- just as the

ACLU recently forced the San Diego City Council to cave in and evict

the Boy Scouts of America from a city-owned site -- Newport’s ACLU, I

mean Greenlight, is also suing.

The Marinapark project calls to rebuild the American Legion for

Veterans building and also builds a new Girl Scout house -- both on

the city owned site that is now mainly an older mobile home park,

where the majority of tenants are out-of-towners who use them as

vacation trailers.

It seems that today with the state of California in terrible

financial condition and the taking of millions of dollars form the

city of Newport Beach by the state, the hundreds of thousands of

dollars this Greenlight lawsuit will cost the city -- oops again --

it’s residents, property owners and taxpayers, could be better spent.

This money should be spent to make sure we don’t lose

firefighters, police officers and paramedic units. Come to think

about it, how many paramedic units could be added in our city with

this lawsuit money? Maybe just the one that will save yours or my

spouse’s life!

Forevermore, when I here the name Greenlight, I will picture in my

mind the letters A-C-L-U.


Newport Beach

On Friday I read a piece in your paper titled, “Greenlight ready

to change.”

As the mother of a young girl living here in Newport Beach, I

recently toured the old Girl Scout building located at Marinapark on

the Balboa Peninsula. The place is in serious disrepair. First upon

entering the building, I noticed the old linoleum flooring worn and

peeling from the floor. The kitchen is from the 1950s, with much of

the equipment unusable.

When I took my daughter out to the small playground in the rear of

the building she cried, “There is no grass here.” That is right, the

outdoor equipment sits on concrete and asphalt. Not as much as a

single blade of grass or other soft landscape can be found. And worst

of all, the building sits right smack on the boulevard with no set

back and without any security or any attempt to discourage

undesirables from entering. This, even with reports that homeless

people have been found sleeping within 100 feet of the front door.

I would never allow my daughter to attend any program there.

Safety must always come first. If the Greenlight people are

successful at blocking the redevelopment plan for Marinapark, which

includes a new Girl Scout hall, and something happens to a child

because of their efforts, Greenlight should be held responsible.

Thanks Greenlight.


Balboa Peninsula
