
Let these pages be your voice


Editor. Forum page editor. Forum Page Editor Lolita Harper.

It has a nice little ring to it, huh? If not yet, perhaps it will

grow on you. It has certainly grown on me.

The more I edit your submissions to the forum page, the more I am

reminded of why I was initially attracted to journalism as a

profession. I love people. I love talking. I love talking to people

and listening to their stories.

Your letters are full of your own expertise, your opinions and

your personal touches. They are a valuable addition to our paper and

I am pleased to be charged with the responsibility of handling them.

Each letter writer adds an interesting take on various local

debates or offers a humorous anecdote regarding an area event.

Longtime residents add their historical perspective, and children who

express themselves on these pages have shown they are learning the

lessons of civic responsibility early.

Your notes are serious, sarcastic, lively, touching and

educational. They comprise the voice of Newport-Mesa -- unfiltered.

My goal as the new forum page editor is to make that voice heard.

I hope to do this by increasing the interaction between myself and

those who write in. I want to talk to you, create a professional

relationship, so you know that this is your sounding board -- for

relevant issues, anyway.

No complaints about bad Christmas gifts or horrible first dates,

please. Although I have a doozy about this one guy, who thought the

idea of a nice night dinner out was “Taco Tuesday” at a local bar...

but I digress.

Of course there is limited space and we can only run so many

letters but don’t let that stop you. If something sparks your

interest or boils your blood, let us know. But more than just letting

us know -- let your neighbors know. Tell your community leaders. Send

your elected officials a message.

Ask any community journalist -- or any one on this staff -- and

they will tell you that we must always look at the news that we print

in terms of how it will benefit our readers.

These forum pages are the epitome of “putting readers first,” as

they are your pages. I guess you can think of me as the broker --

correcting minor style mistakes or striking certain things that could

get us sued.

Your letters keep my job fresh. It is never the same thing twice.

Well, some folks like to drive home the same point, but those

submissions are still very, very informative -- I have learned a lot.

Thank you to all who have congratulated me on this step in my

career. I hope these pages are as interesting for you to read, as

they are for me to compile.

* LOLITA HARPER is the forum page editor and writes columns

Wednesdays and Fridays. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by

e-mail at [email protected].
