
A simple wish list


I’ll trust everyone celebrating Christmas this morning has unwrapped

their gifts well before unwrapping today’s Pilot.

Now that you’re through that fun, and before any PlayStations or

flat-screen TVs are assembled, maybe you’re picking up the Pilot to

see if anything of grand significance has happened in Newport-Mesa.

How such thinking gets you here, I’ll never know, but Merry

Christmas, and here’s what I wished for -- journalistically speaking

-- from Santa:

* A bruising, nasty primary battle between Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

and former Rep. Bob Dornan. One that includes plenty of charges that

can’t be printed but can fill journalists’ eyes with awe and wonder.

One that leaves the winner weak enough that the general election is

at least worth watching, even though we all know either Rohrabacher

or Dornan will be heading to Washington about this time next year.

* That the candidates in the race for the 70th Assembly District,

who have been lobbing little political fire bombs at each other for

months, will worry that their hostility will be overshadowed by

Rohrabacher versus Dornan. As a result, they kick up their

no-holds-barred campaign a few notches.

* That the promise of a crowded field of hopefuls for Costa Mesa

City Council comes true. And that at least a few are from outside

City Hall so we get fresh perspectives from the candidates, if not in

the end from the winners.

* A strong female candidate in one of the Newport Beach races.

Historically a governing body with dynamic women -- including Jan

Debay, Jean Watt, Evelyn Hart and Jackie Heather -- the council is

now an all-boys club. A little more diverse perspective (it might

have been good to wish for someone without a law degree!) couldn’t

hurt during the campaign.

* That both President Bush and Democratic front-runner Howard Dean

make glitzy stops in Newport-Mesa next fall. Bush seems a lock,

especially since California is more in play because of the success of

Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. If it’s not Dean carrying the

Democratic banner, let’s hope whoever wins the nomination at least

makes it to Costa Mesa. Everyone remember when Hillary Clinton made a

quick stop here a few years ago? (I’m kidding. She runs and wins in

2008. Hate to break the news to those who don’t like her.)

* And, finally, that the next rumor of higher office to attach

itself to Rep. Chris Cox turns out to be the truth, so we don’t have

to report another round of “he almost got it” stories.


It was pointed out to me after my last column that I would have

been better off being more specific when describing the “improver”

movement in Costa Mesa. Their concerns are about illegal immigrants

being in town, and not legal immigrants.

The effects of illegal immigration on the city, or even how

pervasive it is, is a continuing debate, one I suspect will be

central in next year’s City Council election.

* S.J. CAHN is the managing editor. He may be reached at (949)

574-4233 or by e-mail at [email protected].
