
Now is the time


There is a classic bit by Stan Freberg in which he plays Mr. Scrooge,

the head of an advertising firm that is aggressively promoting the

sales of anything over the Christmas season. As he goes around the

room during a meeting discovering what campaigns will be running, he

happens on a guy named Bob Cratchit, who owns a “little spice company

in East Orange, New Jersey.”

Cratchit tells Scrooge that his only plan for his Christmas

campaign is to send out cards showing the three wise men following

the start of Bethlehem.

“And they’re bearing your spices! Now, that’s perfect!” Scrooge


“No, no -- no product in it,” Cratchit says. “I was just going to

say, ‘Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.’”

There is instant commotion in the room and in the background, one

of the meeting attendees is heard to say, “Now that’s a peculiar


“Old hat, Cratchit,” Scrooge says. “That went out with button


That bit is probably 40 years old. So when the annual parade of

people comes along each year to rail against the crass commercialism

of the times, it is important to remember that excess is nothing new.

Jews have just started celebrating Hanukkah, and in five days,

Christians will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. But

everyone is America, regardless of faith, will celebrate just for one

day a chance to finally stop the merry-go-round we’re on.

This is a time to let the guy in the lane next to you change lanes

in front of you without getting upset, even though he didn’t use his

turn signal.

It’s a time to give up your parking spot to the person who is

racing you to it and hasn’t figured out that parking farther away

from the store is better for your health.

It’s a time to say “hello” to someone you don’t know, just because

that is a nice thing to do.

It’s a time to say to our kids, “Sure!” when they ask us to play

outside, instead of saying “Just a minute” or “I can’t right now.”

It’s a time to reach out to those who have so little because we

have so much. And friends, you do have so much.

It’s a time to call someone you haven’t spoken to or seen in a

long time.

It’s a time to be the bigger person inside you and say “I’m sorry”

to someone to help repair a relationship.

It’s a time to say “Thank you” to someone who has made your life


If they haven’t heard it in awhile, it’s a time to say “I love

you” to someone special, and a time to say it again even if they


This is the time to figure out your budget for 2004 and build in

some charitable contributions; time to make those payments as

important as paying your rent or mortgage.

It’s time to help our children understand that there are brave men

and women far away from their own families who are living and dying

so we can live freely in this great country.

It’s a time to perform a random act of kindness; time to do

something nice for someone without letting him or her know who did


If you’re unhappy, it’s time to stop your personal “pity party”

and make a plan for 2004 to change whatever is bugging you, with the

understanding that it will take time to change; that life-altering

plans such as a diet, a job change or a repairing of a relationship

is not something we can put in the microwave and zap to perfection in


It’s time to appreciate your job, whether you’re employed or

self-employed, even though it may be less than satisfying. That job

helps pay your rent or mortgage and puts food on your table and

clothes on your back. If you’ve ever been without a job, even a bad

job, you have a special appreciation of what that means.

It’s a time for patience, charity, hope, kindness and, most of

all, peace.

It’s a time for everyone to remember how much better the world is

when we are all on our best behavior. But being on our best behavior

takes effort. It requires us to think of others all the time instead

of thinking only about what is good for ourselves and how our own

needs can be met.

Being on our best behavior requires us to understand that although

others may disagree with us, that does not give anyone license to be

uncivil. To those who have forgotten common courtesy and decency,

being on our best behavior requires us to be particularly civil in


The holidays bring out some of the magic that is inside all of us.

That’s the part of us that makes us feel good, that makes us wonder

why the world can’t be like this the rest of the year, too. If you do

nothing else the rest of the year and through 2004, I hope you find

your own magic.

Here’s wishing you peace, a Happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas.

* STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer.

Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at

(949) 642-6086.
