
Stamp not very appropriate during times like these

When Daily Pilot writer Lolita Harper called me to question the mass

e-mail regarding the U.S. Postage stamp commemorating the

Islamic/Muslim holiday Ramadan I spoke candidly about my opinion and

thoughts as to why I agreed that it is inappropriate for our

government to release such a stamp.

I also concluded in my conversation that the world is full of

misguided fanatics.

The fanatics I was referring to were the extremists who distort

the truth and leads others astray with their distorted teachings.

People like Adolph Hitler, Charles Darwin, cults like the Ku Klux

Klan, world religions, and the atheists. None of these misguided

people or groups were present in the laying of the foundation of the

United States of America or our Constitution.

Our Constitution was written by God-fearing men who believed that

everyone should be allowed the freedom to believe and pursue

happiness. Our forefathers put their trust in God and forged their

beliefs in our Constitution and displayed it on our currency.

But take a good look our country today. The foundation of belief

and trust in God has all but eroded. The God of the Bible is all but

dead. We have shaped God into our own image as we celebrate our own

interpretation of who or what we want God to be. Nor do we say that

there are absolutes or even such a thing as “sin” in today’s

“politically correct” world. We shun good and celebrate evil and we

invent “disorders” for our immoral and irresponsible acts.

If this country will no longer tolerate prayer in our schools or

the Ten Commandments to be displayed in our courtrooms, what are we

to then swear on if the Bible also is discarded? Will truth then be

subjective to every man’s own interpretation? And if displaying the

Ten Commandments violates the separation of church and state, what

business does the United States Postal Service have in commemorating

any religious holidays?

There is only one true God and the only path to him is through his

son Jesus Christ. I believe in the same God as my forefathers. It is

my hope that all men would celebrate and worship him. And I would

hope that this country would repent and turn back to God. Every other

road is empty and leads to destruction. These are not my thoughts or

opinions, it is God’s truth.

But fortunately for the liberal and for the perverted in our

extremely liberal democracy, you are free to worship and celebrate

whatever you so desire.


Santa Ana Heights

In response to Lolita Harper’s article, “Someone’s putting their

foot down about a stamp,” Monday:

People willing to take a stand or make statements of their

convictions are often persecuted. Such is the case in Harper’s

article regarding the news of the U.S. Postal Service stamp

celebrating Ramadan. Harper takes issue with my personal choice to

boycott the stamp being used during the Christmas season. My e-mail

to friends was in regard to the inappropriateness of the timing of

the stamp in light of loss of U.S. lives in the recent past at the

hands of Muslim extremists.

Christmas is a Christian holiday. And as a Christian, I embrace

forgiveness, peace, love, hope and charity. How is it then that I am

being branded as a “misguided fanatic” for stating personal feelings

and rights under the Constitutional protection of freedom of speech

and religion?

How is it that a stamp issuance by the U.S., Postal Service and my

choice not to purchase it is worthy of the attack I received from

Harper? What a shame that the very issues of freedoms of religion and

speech, so touted by Harper in her venomous attack on me, are not

also extended to me? It is a double-edged sword, isn’t it?


Costa Mesa

In her article about the new postage stamp honoring a Muslim

holiday, Lolita Harper seems to feel that anyone who does not think

like her is wrong. Apparently she is not familiar with thousands of

years of history.

She would attribute the acts of love, peace, and charity toward

all to the Muslim faith, while, in fact, all through history Muslims

have been counter to most societies in which they live. As Americans,

we have been targeted by members of this faith because they do not

like us.

Yet we let them come to this country and exercise their freedom of

religion. For our kindness and goodness, many of our own died on

Sept. 11, 2001. Harper would have us believe that only a fanatical

faction of the Muslim religion practice such heinous behavior.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to celebrate their religion while so

many have died and while many of our young men and women continue to

die trying to help Iraq rid themselves of a dictator as well as find

and destroy the terrorists who would do us more harm if possible. To

think otherwise is naive. But then, Harper is young and time will be

her best teacher.

Meanwhile, if some of us don’t want to buy a stamp that honors

this holiday, it is our right as Americans. And it does not make us

bigots or fanatics.


Huntington Beach
