
Readers speak up about recall election

I had an open mind regarding gubernatorial candidate Arnold

Schwarzenegger (also known as Arrrrnold) but he was scraping his

fingers on the sidewalk last night. He showed no class and is crude.

His wanting to put Arianna Huffington’s head into a toilet revealed

to me what he really thinks of women. This is 2003, sir, not the

1940s or ‘50’s.

It was also obvious he could not state a position without a

script, and did not disclose anything other than repeating the TV ads

he has learned. Stick to your one sentence acting, Schwarzenegger.

State Sen. Tom McClintock, Peter Camejo and Lt. Gov. Cruz

Bustamante were gentlemen candidates with class. They did not shout,

did not interrupt anyone, knew the topics, were articulate and

respected their competitors. Huffington revealed her intelligence,

knew her subjects and held her own with Schwarzenegger, the buffoon.

The Terminator did not gain with this debate watcher.


Newport Beach

Tom McClintock, stay the course, keep your promise to your

supporters and to others who shall finally have accurate political

acumen to know of your credentials. You are an experienced legislator

and continue to represent the Republican Party of principle and

integrity. My opinion of the recall is a positive, and enthusiastic,


The debate Wednesday evening was interesting. It was most

disappointing to see the other candidates attempt to answer questions

of the moderator Stan Statham, president of the broadcasters’ group.

While the other candidates strayed from the subject by answering in

platitudes, McClintock gave specific answers to the questions of how

to reduce the debt and lead the legislature in a positive direction.

The specifics are found in the Los Angeles Times and the Register. As

my friend Gil Ferguson has stated, “Conservatives want to win, but

they know that a win that asks us to repudiate our principles, is not

a victory, its a harbinger of the end.”


Newport Beach

We need a governor in Sacramento not an entertainer. Candidate

Arnold Schwarzenegger waves his fist around like a dictator. We

shouldn’t have a governor like we lost some war. Forget Colonel

Klink. Peter Camejo of the Green party makes the most sense.


Costa Mesa

I am absolutely appalled at the remarks in the Daly Pilot about

the so-called debate Wednesday evening. Nobody can tell me that

Arnold Schwarzenegger said anything but terminator garble. Where are

the discussions about what is happening in California. We don’t need

a recall we have a governor. And we certainly don’t need the



Balboa Island

The recall process must be legally changed so only people who

voted in the last election could be counted as a qualified petition

signatures. And point No. 2: collecting signatures should be

voluntary -- keeping paid collectors out of business.


Costa Mesa

The debate last night was entertaining -- if you like survivor

shows. All fun and games and no substance. Arnold Schwarzenegger and

Arianna Huffington were able to manipulate the format. It was really

hard to say who won unless it was Gray Davis.


Corona del Mar
