
Solemn time again for High Holy Days

Luis Pena

For the past two years, the celebrations of the Jewish New Year have

been unusually solemn.

In 2001, Rosh Hashana, the two-day observance of the new year,

came right after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It was an unusually

difficult occasion in Newport-Mesa synagogues.

Last year, thoughts stay turned to the tumultuous year after the


Tonight, as the sun sets and the celebration begins, thoughts will

be turned toward global problems, including the war in Iraq and the

continuing violence in Israel, said Rabbi Marc Rubenstein of Temple

Isaiah in Newport Beach.

“Usually people come to synagogue on Rosh Hashana to ask for

forgiveness, and I think this year they are coming to the synagogue

to ask for understanding,” he said. “Some people are angry, and they

want to know why.

“The High Holy Days answer questions that neither history,

politics or science address, and that religion gives meaning to life

and tells how to live in accordance with God’s law,” Rubenstein said.

“So we can satisfy God’s requirements for life.”

Rosh Hashana marks the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days,

which conclude 10 days later with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

Rosh Hashana is also an uplifting time, Rubenstein said.

In the Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashana will mark the year 5764.

“During the 10-day period, tradition says that a person’s faith is

written down on Rosh Hashana and is sealed on Yom Kippur,” said Rabbi

David Jessel, an instructor of Hebrew at Orange Coast College. “He

has an opportunity to look into himself and take accounting into his

ways of the past year. What kind of person have I been, and how can I

change my ways so I can be a better person next year?”

During Yom Kippur, forgiveness is asked not of God, but of one’s

neighbors, Jessel added.

“Tradition says that god forgives a human being for the sins that

he has committed against his god, but Yom Kippur doesn’t forgive

against sins that you do against your fellow human beings,” he said.

“So what he is supposed to do is ask forgiveness of his neighbor.”

The High Holy Days will last from tonight at sunset until Oct. 6

at sunset.

* LUIS PENA is the news assistant and may be reached at (949)

574-4298 or by e-mail at [email protected].
