
Community cooperation makes things happen Yesterday was...

Community cooperation makes things happen

Yesterday was a remarkable day for me, and I want to share my

affirmation of our community and our democratic system.

Some time ago, I wrote about the parking tickets on our

cul-de-sac. I had barely read my letter in the paper when I got a

call from the city transportation department, ready to deal with the

permit parking problem. In another hour (when my line was free) I got

a phone call from our new chief of police. He, too, was most helpful

with the problem.

I learned that the removal of the permit parking would have to be

voted on by the City Council. After supplying the needed petition

letter, I was notified of the hearing date and was able to speak for

our street. They voted for us 5 to 0. So yesterday, the permit

parking sign came down.

It is exhilarating to experience the community institutions in

action -- including the Daily Pilot -- working to help each other.


Costa Mesa

Tavern article overlooked key player

Your front-page headline regarding the Yankee Tavern did injustice

to one of our community’s best known and beloved citizens. Not

mentioned was Hans Prager, restaurateur extraordinaire, who created

the site that was the Yankee Tavern. Under Prager’s direction, the

Tavern attained great popularity that diminished after he sold that


His skill and professionalism, demonstrated for more than 40

years, offered us an excellence in dining at several of his

restaurants in Orange County that ranked among the best in the United

States. The Ritz was just one example.


Newport Beach
