
EDUCATION Huffington makes campaign stop at OCC...


Huffington makes campaign stop at OCC

Gubernatorial candidate and political columnist Arianna Huffington

urged more than 200 people to vote for change at Orange Coast College

on Monday .

Huffington appealed directly to the “disaffected and disgusted”

people who did not vote in the last election to vote for her in

October. She said that she would make schools, health care and

closing corporate tax loopholes her top priorities.

Huffington’s appearance at the college’s Student Center was the

second stop on a planned tour of college campuses.

* Students reporting for their first day at Harbor View Elementary

found a newly-paved entrance with potted plants and balloons to

welcome them. Construction continues on the site, but is closed off

by large green fences. The school started a week later than other

schools in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

Some projects are unfinished, including boys’ and girls’

bathrooms, which has forced students to use portable toilets until


Measure-A funded improvements this summer took longer than

expected, delaying Harbor View’s opening.

* MARISA O’NEIL covers education and may be reached at (949)

574-4268 or by e-mail at
