
In a story titled “OCC men impressive,”...

In a story titled “OCC men impressive,” which ran in Monday’s

edition, the top five finishers for the Orange Coast College men’s

cross country team in the Cal State Fullerton Invitational were

incorrectly identified.

Freshman Humberto Rojas (Estancia High) led Coast, finishing 11th

overall (25 minutes, 45.30 seconds), while Jose Casillas finished

18th (26:05.50) in the men’s 8k race. The Coast men finished third.

Francisco Guerra crossed the finish line in 26:25.90, followed by

sophomores David Ojeda (26:31.80) and Pedro Nambo (26:36.10).

On the women’s side, Ava Jones, the second-place finisher in the

women’s 5k race, attends OCC, not Vanguard University.
