
‘Every 15 Minutes’ was a team effort...

‘Every 15 Minutes’ was a team effort for worthy cause

On behalf of our family and all the families involved in the

outstanding program “Every 15 Minutes” put on at Newport Harbor High

School this month, we would like to say “thanks” to all who helped

put it together. If it saves just one person’s life or makes someone

take a second thought about a choice they are making, it was worth

everyone’s effort in putting on this awesome program.

A grant was provided to touch these young children’s lives like

you can’t believe; it was really hard to not think of it not being

real. Officer Martinez and Kera Kirby deserve a special thanks for

all their time and effort in organizing this event, as do the Newport

Beach Police Department and Fire Department; Hoag Hospital’s doctors,

nurses and staff; Pacific View; Judge Karen Robinson; and the Justice

Center. All of these people involved went beyond the call of duty to

make it seem so real. They do not have an easy job, and we should all

extend them a huge thanks for the job they do on a daily basis.

Marriott Hotel, El Ranchito, Plum’s Cafe, G & W Towing. California

Screen Print, Weastcoast Sound and Zeta Vision should also be thanked

for their generous support in putting on a first-class program. This

was a very emotional program and touched so many people. We were

lucky enough to be involved, and I know it has changed all our lives.

Our hearts go out to the parents who really have to go through an

event like this and their heartache, which lasts forever. Luckily, we

can kiss our son goodnight and tell him we love him.


Newport Beach

Enough is enough already at John Wayne Airport

Re: “Should John Wayne Airport welcome more airlines?” Thursday.

Of course we can’t stop the increase of flights and passengers

from John Wayne Airport, thanks to the inconsideration of our South

County residents and the political ambitions of a few, but do we

really need more airlines? My opinion is a capital no. Living

directly under the flight path of John Wayne Airport, I have

grudgingly come to accept the fact that it is necessary to wash down

my driveway, sidewalls and patio at least every week and also before

we have visitor. The fallout of aviation fuel is really a problem.

The deposits from the airplanes cause dirt-like streaks to newly

painted homes after a few months.

It is difficult enough for the “major” airlines to properly

maintain their equipment. What can we expect from those airlines that

have less maintenance capital?

The gate-sharing problem and flight ingress and egress will only

be increased by the increase of more airlines at John Wayne.

As for the noise level, isn’t it bad enough that you can tell the

time of day by the frequency of plane take-offs? I’d bet that one out

of every two planes exceeds that “maximum decibel” level regardless

of the intentions, good or bad, of the pilots.

The only real resolution is to have the new airlines land in South

Orange County, say near the house of Irvine’s mayor.


Newport Beach

No more airlines are needed at John Wayne

Absolutely, we should not welcome any more airlines at John Wayne.

The people out there didn’t deserve to have flights overhead. We

should close John Wayne and make a museum out of it, or maybe a train

station, something like that.

It goes right over schools; it is very dangerous. And there is no

reason we should have it when the others feel they shouldn’t have it.

We should use all the same excuses that they used for closing down

the John Wayne and moving everything inland.


Newport Beach

More options at John Wayne a good thing for consumers

I think [having two new airlines at John Wayne Airport is] a great

idea. These are both low-fare airlines. Obviously, the more airlines,

especially low-fare airlines, we have, the greater the competition

for customers and rates. In this day and age, I think it’s a great


Besides that, quite frankly, the question is rather unnecessary

because we have, fortunately, new flight gap restrictions. So the

number of airlines is really inconsequential to the number of lights.

In any event, bottom line, I think it’s a great idea.


Newport Beach

Without Omelette Parlor, forget his support

Here we go again. Another huge corporation doesn’t think it’s

getting enough money from a local Costa Mesa business, so out the

locals go and in comes another national fast-food chain or the like.

Today, it’s Vons that’s refusing to renew the lease for the Omelette

Parlor, a wonderful place to have breakfast with good food, great

atmosphere and cool people, because Vons wants to “upgrade” the

center and make it look like all of the other standardized,

homogenized, sterilized places that have gradually been replacing

Costa Mesa with Everytown.

Vons refused to respond to our concern, or even to the Daily

Pilot. I’m not going to shop at Vons any more, and I hope you won’t

either, so they get the message. Renew the Omelette Parlor lease, and

include the Omelette Parlor in any remodeling plans you have. Or

forget Costa Mesa’s business.


Costa Mesa
