
Police are just doing their jobs

Guy Miller

In response to “Officer should find something better to do,” by David

Ward (Coastline Pilot, May 23).

Your article was right on.

The police officers of the city do take pride in patrolling all

the streets of Laguna Beach. I am sorry that Ward chose to park his

vehicle illegally and thus received a parking citation from one of

our diligent officers at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday. Unfortunately, the

police officers do not write the laws that we are directed to

enforce. However, we are obligated to perform our duties through

equitable law enforcement and responsive public service. Ward made

the choice to park illegally admittingly knowing it was wrong to do

so, so he would not have to “hassle” with a three-point turn. The

officer simply did what he was supposed to do. Nothing personal

against him, any resident on Bern Drive or anyone on any other quiet

street in the city of Laguna Beach.

As far as his comments about “exciting existence” for the officers

in Laguna Beach and his hope that no “rapes, burglaries, drunk

drivers or spouse beating” were occurring in the city at this time.

Again, he is absolutely correct, police work in Laguna Beach is very

unique. I received no training in the academy on how to respond to

tree trimming complaints, leaf blowers, injured deer in the roadway,

loud motorcycles, dogs defecating on the beach and the list goes on

and on. However, I have commuted to work for 10 years to deal with

the best way I can whatever the residents of this city can throw at


You see, contrary to Ward’s belief about all the funds the police

generate for the city, we are not getting a percentage of what we

generate. As a matter of fact, our total compensation package puts us

in the bottom third in the country and we are the only law

enforcement agency in Orange County to not have the standard 3% at 50

retirement. We cannot afford to live in this city but we will

continue to give every resident and tourist here the best we have to


By the way, in addition to issuing Ward the parking citation last

week, we arrested a man for robbery and attempted murder at 6:58 a.m.

on a quiet street in South Laguna and arrested another for assault

with a deadly weapon at 4:02 a.m. on yet another residential street.

* GUY MILLER is the president of the Laguna Beach Police Employees

