
Tougher watch on water possible

June Casagrande

The city might create a five-person team to ticket businesses and

residents who violate rules for keeping pollutants out of storm

drains, part of its response to stricter regulations put in place

last year.

City staff have proposed creating a new city division responsible

for patrolling the city to catch violators in the act, and also to

respond to reports of storm-drain violations.

“The first job will be education, saying here’s what the new laws

say, and here’s how you can hose down your sidewalk or water your

lawn correctly,” Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff said. “But the

second part is enforcement. Repeat violators will get citations.”

Fines would start at $100. A second offense would be $200, a third

$500. Criminal offenders could face up to $25,000 in penalties if


The proposal would more than double the number of field officers

enforcing the rules to five staff members within a new division. City

Manager Homer Bludau’s proposal would pay for the added staff

partially with funds set aside for vacant positions in other

departments. The total cost of the new division is estimated at

$70,000 to $80,000 a year.

The council is expected to vote on the matter at their May 13


The move is in response to strict rules for storm drains that went

into effect last year for about 22 cities in Orange County. The rules

forbid residents and businesses from sending pollutants into storm

drains, including through a number of common activities such as car

washing and sidewalk cleaning.

Information and tips are available at

* JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She

may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at

[email protected].
