
AvalonBay Communities Inc. of Newport Beach...

AvalonBay Communities Inc. of Newport Beach has named Sean Breslin

vice president of investments for the West Coast and Matthew Winsryg

as development director for the Southern California region. The

company is in the business of developing, redeveloping, acquiring and

managing luxury apartment communities throughout the United States.

Breslin comes from a background in the investment industry, and

Winsryg has experience in real estate development. Both hold degrees

from Southern California colleges ... Kristine Jo Harrington, a

Davidson College senior from Newport Beach, was recently selected to

be included in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and

Universities.” Students are selected as members of “Who’s Who” by

staff, faculty and fellow students based on outstanding service,

leadership and scholarship. Harrington is a 1999 graduate of Newport

Harbor High ... In December, Jared Michael Kluver of Costa Mesa

graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in management

information systems ... Army Pvt. Nicholas J. Bohr, son of Joe Bohr

of Costa Mesa, has graduated from One Station Unit Training at the

U.S. Army Infantry School in Fort Benning, Ga. Nicholas graduated

from Alta Loma High School ... Army Pvt. Antonio Camberos, son of

Jose L. and Maria Camberos of Costa Mesa, has graduated from the

light-wheel vehicle mechanic advanced individual training course at

Ft. Jackson, Columbia, S.C. He is a 2002 graduate of Estancia High

School in Costa Mesa ... Jan D. Vandersloot of Newport Beach recently

won a conservation medal from the National Society of the Daughters

of the American Revolution on April 23. Vandersloot was honored for

her work on environmental issues such as protecting wetlands, costal

habitat, ocean water quality and tree protections ... Torrance Scott

Cullen of Corona del Mar recently qualified for the dean’s list at

Babson College in Wellesley, Mass ... Ensign Middle School

eighth-grader Andrew Ward won the Blue Ribbon Essay Contest for his

age group and was awarded it on April 2 a kickoff for the Blue Ribbon

Child Abuse Prevention Campaign ... Kelly F. Freeman of Newport

Beach, a Dartmouth College student in the class of 2005, studied

Italian in Siena this fall as part of the College’s Language Study

Abroad Program. About 65 % of Dartmouth undergraduates take advantage

of foreign study opportunities.

* NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please

direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949)

646-4170, or send e-mail to [email protected].
