
Cute subjects always make good pictures. That...

Cute subjects always make good pictures. That was the case with this

week’s photo of the week.

Arriving at my assignment was like stepping into another world. Or

like traveling back in time to my childhood. This place was a child’s

dream come true. I knew I couldn’t go wrong with such an interesting


As I was photographing the different video monitors at each hair

station with the latest cartoons playing I heard a familiar sound. It

wasn’t a voice but music from a video, I couldn’t place it. It was

like it was haunting me. Then I looked up and a saw a green dragon

sock puppet sticking it’s tongue out at me. Then it all came back to

me. It was “Baby Mozart.” It brought me back to first few months of

my daughter’s life when nothing but this video would calm her down.

Back to a time when sleep wasn’t a requirement but rather a

privilege. Having seen this tape so many times it was like I was

trapped inside it, stuck on repeat mode.

It just seems like with new technology and more innovative design

being a kid just gets better everyday.

-- Sean Hiller, staff photographer
