
A little levity on city issues Re:...

A little levity on city issues

Re: “Should the City Council approve a resolution to end the

conflict in Iraq,” Coastline Pilot, April 4.

I would suggest that if such a resolution is passed it should

include ending all starvation, complete world peace, outlawing SUVs

and ending the inane idea that what the city councils of this country

have to say about anything beyond their city limits really matters.

In response to the “I told you so,” (“Resort as bad as predicted,”

Coastline Pilot, April 4).

This is one time I must agree with the naysayers that condemn the

Montage Resort and Spa. The money spent on the park was a waste!

The original parking structure that was to go there should have

been built. Of course, then nobody would have the parking to complain


I also feel sorry for the merchants across the street for all the

increased revenues they have collected, and will continue to collect

from the extra patrons that visit their shops.

Of course that means more taxes they will have to pay, another bad

thing about increasing commerce.

Did the “Goodbye Village Laguna” closing mean you are moving?

Don’t disappoint me. I would hate to lose the entertainment.


Laguna Beach

Montage Resort is a nuisance to residents

How exciting to read about the Connell’s visiting the new Montage

Resort for dinner. I too have had some exciting experiences inspired

by the presence of the Montage.

I am talking about trying to find a parking space in the

Albertson’s/Sav-on parking lot across the street.

Do not snicker, employees and visitors to the Montage jam the

parking lot and it must be severely damaging to the small merchants

to see their customers crowded out. These guys pay taxes to the city

also. I know I don’t find much fun in circling about to locate a

parking spot.

Then I see the City Council is considering building a skateboard

park. Why not? I am sure that almost 1% of our city’s population are

avid skate boarders and maybe even some of them vote. Talk about

creating a never-ending problem -- this would be it.

* 1) You have the cost of the land, the design and construction.

* 2) The everyday cost of supervision, maintenance and liability


* 3) The traffic problem of fun seekers arriving, departing and

looking for a parking space.

* 4) The cost of 24-hour a day supervision. A skateboard park

would attract intruders at all hours, plus public bathrooms.

All of these headaches and obligations to appease a couple of

hundred skateboarders. You already have that monster you call the

Montage, so let us keep all of our problems in one location -- put

the skateboard facility in the new park next to the Montage.

Just trying to be helpful.


Laguna Beach

Schools need to ensure quality

The Laguna Beach School Board did not dip far enough into its

reserves to assure a quality educational program for Laguna Beach

students in our schools. If the district has fine facilities and

state-of-the-art equipment but loses fine teachers because of benefit

cuts and layoffs, how will quality educational programs be delivered

and maintained?


Laguna Beach

The truth about El Moro and Surfrider

The letter by Michael and Kathleen Taylor (“Surfrider shouldn’t

support RV park,” April 11, Coastline Pilot) leads me to believe that

there is some confusion regarding the position of the Laguna Beach

Chapter of Surfrider Foundation in the conversion of El Moro to State

Park use.

No, Surfrider is not in the “RV camp” or school safety business.

Our mission is to protect and preserve the coastline and ocean and to

support projects that achieve that end.

Conversion of El Morro trailer park to state park use, so that all

of the people of California can enjoy the restored property, is one

such project.

We have recommended to California State Parks that they modify

their proposed location of the lifeguard/restroom building to obviate

the need for rip-rap protection.

Surfrider does oppose the construction of revetments and seawalls,

which often end up destroying beaches to protect improperly located


We encourage everyone to review that proposed State Park Plan for

El Moro and offer suggestions for further enhancements and

restoration to undo the decades of damage caused by the dense

development there.


Aliso Viejo

Chairman, Laguna Beach Chapter Surfrider Foundation

Don’t swap open space for business

I couldn’t believe my eyes reading that the City Council supports

an open space land swap with the county to provide access to

Anneliese pre-school.

What are they thinking?

This fragile wetlands should not be destroyed for the sake of

private business. I have seen deer and herons forging on this

beautiful and delicate parkland -- let’s not destroy it.

Anneliese has been on Laguna Canyon Road for years and should

never have been approved for a school if traffic is such a problem.

Laguna should not be responsible for a private business.

I praise Public Works Director Steve May and consultant Steve

Sasake for their recommendation of converting the west bound El Toro

right-turn-only lane to a combination left and right turn.

I hope and pray the county votes hands down on this land swap



Laguna Beach

The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter

does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the

letter will likely appear next week. If you would like to submit a

letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us

at 494-8979; or send e-mail to [email protected]. Please

give your name and include your hometown and phone number, for

verification purposes only.
