
Not just a place to go shop

I don’t understand how Costa Mesa city officials can’t look and see

that we don’t need more shopping centers but we do need a place for

kids and adults to go for some kind of entertainment that isn’t



Costa Mesa

Costa Mesa does not need any more traffic or shopping on Harbor

Boulevard or in the neighborhood.


Costa Mesa

I am calling regarding Costa Mesa’s Kohl Project. I support it and

my main reason is even if they were to downsize the square footage of

the store or put some underground parking, the parking hopefully in

the future will become more either bus or rapid transit of some kind

other than the automobile and what better traffic pattern would there

be than Harbor Boulevard or Adams? Especially Harbor Boulevard, in

other words like Newport Boulevard.

It would be better than spreading the traffic all over the area.

We should be confining it more to busy streets that are already busy

or to freeways so people will have easy access to shopping and

residential and businesses. So you can live, walk and have the

recreational facilities. So I support the project and am sorry it is

not going to go through.


Costa Mesa

I want to commend the City Council for backing off on having

another department store at that location. I think that gives them

time to explore other alternatives and possibly some recreation

activities or things of that nature. I think there is a lack of need

for a store like Kohl’s. I took a field trip to a Kohl’s and I think

Costa Mesa is not crying out for another retail store of that genre.

If you go to a place like Mervyns, JC Penny, Sears, even Target has

the same type of merchandise.

I know that I probably wouldn’t shop at Kohl’s, so stepping back

and taking another look is not to be admonished and it is not an

anti-business stance. It is a wise stance that they are taking.


Costa Mesa

I want to express that I do not support Kohl’s department store. I

do not support that. We do not need another Mervyns-type store and

there are three others within a mile or two of that location.


Costa Mesa

Hurray for the City Council. I think we have so many businesses

and junk all over Costa Mesa, plus so much recreation with beaches

and mountains that we should level everything over there and make a

senior citizens housing that would be helpful to them. We don’t have

enough of that. We have plenty of other restaurants businesses,

recreation areas, Targets, etc.

Enough of that. Let’s get some low-cost senior citizen housing.


Costa Mesa

I think it would be great to have ping pong tables set up in the

facility over there. I think they should reopen ice skating rinks

because I think it is a great place to get together at night to ice

skate together.

Bowling alleys should be reopened and renamed as family get

together places for people to get together and have a great time

together. Family quality time in the bowling center. They shouldn’t

close it down, they should reopen it using a small amount of

taxpayers money derived from the people so that the community can

benefit overall.

Children need a place to ice skate, bowl and visit together in a

safe healthy environment so parents can be secure in the knowledge

that children are safe. A ping pong table, a backgammon board and

chess boards also could be placed in there so children can learn to

communicate together. I think it would be a wrong thing to do to have

a Kohl’s department store there.


