
Putting a rumor to rest

A flier is circulating in Costa Mesa urging one of Newport-Mesa’s

favorite political sons to run for governor.

But before all you fiscal conservatives get too excited, County

Treasurer John Moorlach says he does not plan to seek the state’s

highest office.

Taking into account the recall effort under way against Gov. Gray

Davis, Moorlach -- who famously predicted the county’s 1994

bankruptcy and is still one of the county’s most popular officials,

despite some backlash to his backing of Measure G in 2000 that would

have put 40% of tobacco settlement dollars toward paying off the

county’s bankruptcy debt early -- listed several reasons why he

wouldn’t go after the seat.

The first is that the Republican Party in California will need to

close ranks behind one candidate to replace a recalled Davis. And, in

his mind, that person could serve 10 years in office and end the term

as a front-runner for the White House.

But that couldn’t be Moorlach, who was born in the Netherlands.

(What does that line of thinking do to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s


Now, state treasurer? Moorlach said he would be interested in that

spot. So stay tuned.


Monday’s Costa Mesa City Council meeting will be noted for the

(initial) death of the Kohl’s department store and for being the last

of Karen Robinson’s tenure.

This paper has been tough on Robinson for turning an early eye to

a judicial seat, which seemingly kept her from being 100% focused on

City Hall issues.

Here’s another reason to be tough on her: While we can guess the

county’s getting a fine judge, it seems painfully clear Costa Mesa is

losing a bright young politician.

While running Monday’s meeting, Robinson was sharp, focused,

well-spoken and compassionate. She even showed a good sense of humor

while the city was honoring Vanguard University’s women’s basketball

team. After bringing the team, along with head coach Russ Davis, up

to the front of the council chambers and applauding them for their

season, she had Davis -- the only man in the line -- raise his hand

so everyone knew which one he was.

Since Robinson’s a Democrat, perhaps she won’t mind this

comparison too much: She was a bit Clintonesque.

Importantly, she managed to maintain her composure while speaker

after speaker came before the council, several of whom took obvious

or not-so-obvious shots at her.

Of course, all of the qualities that would have made her a fine

politician will likely serve her well on the bench. And, given her

Costa Mesa residency, her long-term political future was bleak, so

getting onto the bench is an understandable move.

Still, good politicians are few. And Robinson seemed to have what

it takes.


As for Robinson’s replacement, we will be finding out in a few

days who wants the job now that the city is soliciting hopefuls.

More names to add to the speculative list: Parks and Recreation

Commissioner Mark Harris, who was appointed by Robinson in February,

and former Parks and Recreation Commissioner Bob Love.

And there is a lot of talk of former Planning Commissioner Walt

Davenport, who served on the commission for almost 23 years.

Early on, the scuttlebutt was that Davenport was not interested.

He is now, though.

Interestingly, though the council does not seem to be leaning (for

now, anyway) toward appointing a “caretaker” to the position (someone

who wouldn’t run in 2004), Davenport did say, “I would accept it

under those conditions. I would.”

He did stress that he’d prefer that the position allow him to run

again, though whether he would run “would depend on how the year and

a half went.”

If the process gets too rancorous, appointing someone to serve out

only Robinson’s term might suddenly be a happy option.

* S.J. CAHN is the managing editor. He can be reached at (949)

574-4233 or by e-mail at [email protected].
