
Thompson-MacDonald Leslie Thompson and Hunter MacDonald of...


Leslie Thompson and Hunter MacDonald of St. Louis exchanged

wedding vows on Dec. 28, 2002, at the Elliot Chapel in St. Louis.

The bride is the daughter of Charles and Barbara Thompson of St.

Louis. Her matron of honor was Barbara Thompson, and her bridesmaids

were Sara Avins, Karolyn Fjeldstad, Elise Holton and Lauren Valli.

The bridegroom is the son of Rod and Barbara MacDonald of Newport

Beach. His best man was Rod MacDonald, and his groomsmen were Brent

Steele, Nick Shrank, David Fruchbom and Bill Kleinhoff.

The bride is a law student at St. Louis University, and the

bridegroom is employed by Enterprise.

The ceremony was followed by a reception at the Forest Hills

Country Club.

The couple plan to live in Southern California after May after a

wedding trip to Turks and Caicos.


Debra and Edmund Moreno of Fountain Valley announce the engagement

of their daughter, Christina Moreno of Fountain Valley, to Wayne

Robert Herzog of Costa Mesa.

The bride-elect graduated from Fountain Valley High School.

The future bridegroom, son of Linda and Steve Herzog of Costa

Mesa, graduated from Costa Mesa High School.

An April 12 wedding is planned in Estancia Park in Costa Mesa.
