
Airport noise is getting worse

John Martin

Your article in the Huntington Beach Independent “A noisy neighbor”

March 13 was quite timely. My wife and I have just recently moved

back into our home in Huntington Beach. I purchased the home in 1992

and rented it out while overseas. For the past four years we were

living in London due to a transfer with my company.

Upon our arrival back to Huntington Beach, we immediately noticed

the increased aircraft noise over our home. This is something we are

not happy about. The noise disrupts the otherwise tranquil


Progress being what it is, I can only anticipate that the number

of flights into Long Beach Airport will continue to increase along

with the frequency of noisy interruptions to our tranquil


Your article has generated some additional questions. Has the

Federal Aviation Administration considered altering the approach to

Long Beach Airport so that airplanes “coast-in” over the Bolsa Chica

wetlands or even better, over the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Base? I,

for one, would like to hear the reasons why this would not be


Could airplanes approach from a higher altitude -- thus increasing

their “glide” rate to the airport using less power -- thus saving

fuel and costs and as a result, fly more quietly?

The airplanes are especially loud when they are in a turn to

line-up with the runway. As I understand it, they need to increase

power during this maneuver to maintain their altitude. Would it be

possible to conduct all the turning maneuvers out over the ocean and

follow an higher glide path if the current approach flight path could

not be altered? I have noticed that many aircraft execute noisy turns

over our neighborhood.

In the little research that I have done on this subject, the Long

Beach Airport Authority attempts to misdirect questions by responding

with the departure noise level detection statements even you quoted.

These statements are not relevant to this discussion, however vitally

important they are to the local residents that surround the airport.

This issue is about aircraft approaching the airport for landing and

I for one would appreciate the airport authorities admitting that

they understand this issue.

Finally, I have been looking for a way to get involved to better

understand this issue. I would gladly join and work with any local

citizens action group trying to better understand the underlying

dynamics of this issue with a view to a compromise solution.

* JOHN MARTIN is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to

“Sounding Off” please e-mail us at or fax us at

(714) 965-7174.
