
Westside residents, business owners given extra time

Geoff West

I finally managed to view my tape of the March 10 Costa Mesa

Redevelopment Agency meeting, which had been delayed for a month

because the previous venue was too small. I say “finally” because the

more than five-hour duration of the meeting required me to view the

tape over a couple of days.

The subject of the meeting -- the possible tripling of the

redevelopment area -- guaranteed the appearance of 300 emotional and

passionate stakeholders in this project. Certainly, one reason for

this turnout was the specter of eminent domain -- a cloud that would

hang over the properties within the expanded area.

One cannot help but be impressed by the turnout of residents,

property and business owners, and by their thoughtful comments and

questions posed to the Redevelopment Agency and Urban Futures, the

consultants on this project.

Although an early speaker accused the consultants of operating in

the city illegally and, as a result, said they should not be trusted,

and a few speakers questioned the accuracy of some of the numbers and

examples of blight presented, most comments and questions were

respectful and right on point. Much to the chagrin of the staff,

Redevelopment Agency Chairman Chris Steel guaranteed the audience in

advance that each question would be answered in writing.

Equally impressive was Redevelopment Agency member Libby Cowan’s

clear, well-reasoned comments throughout the proceedings -- including

the scolding she gave members of the audience who began to boo and

hiss one of the few supporters of redevelopment who spoke late in the

evening. Following Steel’s inexplicable and almost apologetic motion

to approve the Planning Commission recommendation to accept the

expanded redevelopment area, it was Cowan’s substitute motion to

delay any further consideration of expansion for six months, to

embark on an economic study of the 19th Street corridor and to await

the results of the Community Redevelopment Action Committee’s efforts

before proceeding, that carried the day.

Clearly, the voice of the majority of the attendees was heard by

the agency members, who chose to use the good judgment to slow the

momentum of the redevelopment process. Considering the tenuous

condition of the state’s finances, and the speculation that our

esteemed Gov. Gray Davis may snatch back redevelopment funds from the

local agencies to help balance the state budget, this certainly seems

like a wise move.

It now behooves all those parties in attendance, and others

concerned about redevelopment and the Westside to maintain their

focus and continue to participate in this process. The redevelopment

ball is perched precariously at the top of the hill, and when it

starts to roll, woe be to those unfortunate enough to be standing in

the way.

* GEOFF WEST is a Costa Mesa resident.
