
Raring to vote on Marinapark

I applaud Steven Sutherland bringing the proposed resort project

before the voters and the City Council’s agreement to support the

ballot process.

The proposed site of the Sutherland resort is designated tideland,

owned by the city and the state. It seems so simple. If the proposed

project site is on city land, shouldn’t residents have a voice to

accept or reject based on environmental study facts? Controversy and

confusion shall be laid to rest.


Newport Beach

I think Marinapark should be put to a citywide vote.


Newport Beach

I think it should go to the voters. I think we already have too

many hotels. We’ve got the Bay Club now. It is going to be a huge

hotel, and I think it creates more problems than they need out there.


Corona del Mar

As to the question, should Marinapark be put to a citywide vote, I

vote yes.


Newport Beach

I am pro the proposal at Marinapark


Newport Coast

At the least, Marinapark should be put to a vote. It is just not

the right place for a five-star location. I don’t think it will be

successful and I also think it will exclude the people who need to

have some room, some elbow room, some beach room -- and that is the


It should be left public space, maybe with some housing for

lower-income seniors or visiting teens or it should be made more

public no matter what. Perhaps have some boat launching or small boat


We will never be sorry that we’ve left it open space. Look at our

bay. There are a handful of small public beaches and that is all. We

need more than that.


Newport Beach

As a 13-year resident living between 18th and 19th streets on West

Bay Avenue, I have some concerns about the concept of placing a large

hotel in the middle of an already crowded, traffic-clogged

residential area.

Regarding Stephen Sutherland’s article on Feb. 19 (“Marinapark

facts are largely unknown”), I certainly agree, especially when he

maintains that traffic will not be increased because the hotel guests

will be shuttled in by water taxi and workers will have a parking lot

area. Is Mr. Sutherland aware that we do not have waterways to

Disneyland, Fashion Island and South Coast Plaza? We have some

waterways to Laguna Beach, but it would be a long journey by water


In almost all political rhetoric for Newport City Council, quality

of life was a campaign theme. I would ask how noise, traffic

congestion and no parking are going to improve anyone’s quality of

life? Does Sutherland or “development anywhere” supporters think we

just fell off the turnip truck? Yes, I definitely think the residents

of Newport Beach should be allowed to voice their concerns and

maintain their definition of what a quality of life is. It certainly

is not a large hotel in the middle of a residential section.


Newport Beach

I agree that we should have an election and that the hotel should

be put on the ballot in regards to Marinapark.


Newport Beach

The city should keep every inch of land for the benefit of the

residents, not for private enterprise.


Newport Beach

I am just calling to say, yes, Marinapark should be put to

citywide vote.


Newport Beach

I am calling for my husband Hal and me. Yes, I think the proposed

Marinapark hotel should be put to a citywide vote.


Newport Beach

I want to express my absolutely negative reaction to the

Marinapark project that has been submitted to the City Council. We

have enough traffic in the area. We don’t need anymore. Don’t forget

that any hotel will require a tremendous number of workers -- daily,

permanent and occasional ones such as plumbing services,

electricians, stonemasons and so forth. This will create an

intolerable jam on the peninsula, especially in the summertime.


Corona del Mar

I am for this hotel that wants to go up and I hope that the city

fathers have the backbone to push ahead and replace all the motor

homes with a nice hotel. Goodness’ sakes alive, I don’t understand

what kind of people can’t understand that a hotel would be better

looking than all those trailer things.


Balboa Peninsula

I think that the question of Marinapark should be put on the

citywide ballot.


Newport Beach

I have and continue to be strongly opposed to the proposed resort

plan for Marinapark. I am also insulted by the last article in the

Pilot that states that “most people do not even realize that

Marinapark is not a park.”

While I agree that the mobile home park there should be replaced,

the settlement plan is not the way to go. As stated by me before, do

we need another Balboa Bay Club on this side of the harbor? For those

who did not read Cynthia Breatore’s letter in the Feb. 25 Daily Pilot

“Mailbag,” I urge you to do so, as she very accurately describes what

is planned by the Sutherland group. I agree with her totally. That

kind of thing on this side of the harbor on the peninsula is not the

best for those that live here or for those out of the area. Another

Balboa Bay Club on this side of the harbor? I don’t think so.


Balboa Peninsula

I am very much in favor of the resort at Marinapark being put to a

citywide vote.


Newport Beach
