
The community has spoken on Marinapark and said no to a hotel

Tom Billings

A clear direction has already been cast for Las Arenas Park

(Marinapark) by both residents and businesses of Newport Beach. These

results are found in the visioning festivals and community surveys

that were recently completed and presented at City Hall a few weeks


This Community Visioning Process brought together hundreds of

residents and business owners during the past year to examine and

discuss crucial issues and provide direction for the future of the

city. The conclusions are revealing. Through citywide visioning

festivals and statistically valid telephone surveys (by Godbe

Research), the results showed that a clear majority of both residents

and business participants do not support a resort hotel in the

Marinapark area.

The same report, however, does show split support for tourist

accommodations in two specific areas: Newport Center and the “airport

business area.” However, the report closes with the following

conclusion for tourism and hotels:

“Opinions were divided over where to build, but a majority was

opposed to hotel development at Marinapark and Newport Dunes and

voiced a strong preference for protecting public lands.”

In addition, our city’s general plan designates the Las Arenas

Park area as “Recreation and Open Space” for the public’s use and not

for commercial development.

The future of Newport Beach is not about making categorical claims

for excessive growth, slow growth or no growth, but rather it is

about the need to focus on what the community members themselves

collectively define for our city. The community in the

above-mentioned public meetings and surveys successfully voiced this

“visioning” to balance the needs of residents, businesses and


The “vox populi” has spoken. The “vox populi” has been heard. The

results of these community surveys indicate now is the time to look

at other public use proposals for Las Arenas and Marinapark that fit

in with the vision our residents have clearly expressed.

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Tom Billings is a Newport Beach resident and

member of the Greenlight Steering Committee. However, this article

reflects only his personal views on the Marinapark issue. Greenlight

has yet to take a stance.
