
Winter sun means it’s time to garden


“I am extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way ... “


“Boy, you’re going to carry that weight ... “


I’ve been patiently watching for the rain to return rather than

working in the garden. It’s just an excuse to get my own way: Eating

French Fries is much more fun than pulling weeds.

Between storms, February is one of the best months for planting.

The soil is naturally moist and temperatures are generally moderate

in Laguna. Such conditions are ideal for root growth, ensuring a good

start for trees, shrubs and lawns. Rose pruning should also be

completed this month. Once that’s done, immediately begin a

fertilization program.

Your questions for the Plant Man, my friends:

Q: Plant Man! What flowers look good now?

A: Delphinium, English primrose, foxglove, Iceland poppy, pansy,

snapdragon, stock and viola top the Plant Man’s garden color list for


Q: Hello, Plant Man! Could you recommend a few floribunda roses

for my garden?

A: Gladly. Second in popularity to only hybrid teas, floribunda

roses are quite floriferous. They are well suited massed alone or

combined with other shrubs. My personal favorites include angel face

(wonderful mauve-lavender blooms), iceberg (pure white and arguably

the finest rose available) and playboy (bright orange and sexy).

Q: Is it safe to prune roses if the rose bush is leafy and still

producing flowers?

A: I would wait until the “flush” of flowers ends and then prune.

Remember, you have until the end of February to prune your roses in


Q: Is it too late for bulbs?

A: Spring bulbs, like callas, gladiolus, lilies and lily of the

valley are available at your favorite nursery. If you can find them,

there is time to plant daffodil, ranunculus, and narcissus.

Q: Do I have to use a special mix when I plant my azaleas?

A: Azaleas prefer an acid soil, whether growing in the ground or

in pots. I recommend that you plant azaleas in nine parts azalea mix

to one part garden soil or potting soil. Mulch plants frequently

during the year with azalea mix or peat moss.

Q: When I re-planted my amaryllis this fall, all I got was leaves.

Could you please tell me what I’m doing wrong.

A: After the plant flowers, it is important to keep it watered and

fed so the bulb can store energy for the next year’s bloom. If you

forgot to do so, that might explain why you were rewarded with only

leaves. Although a very sturdy bulb, amaryllis has tender roots and

must be handled carefully. You may have inadvertently disturbed the

roots. ... If so, it may not bloom again for several years.

Q: When is the best time to prune olive trees -- especially if you

want to prevent fruit?

A: Olives should be pruned when the small white flowers appear in

late spring/early summer. This will help to reduce or eliminate the


I’m going to turn over a new leaf, so to speak. I will definitely

be in the garden, garage and gym this weekend. After all, it appears

that we have skipped winter this year, and I’m growing tired of

Catharine grousing about whale sightings at home. See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1540 S. Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. He is married to local artist

Catharine Cooper and has three cats. He can be reached at (949)

497-2438 or by e-mail at [email protected].
